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How could it, we havnt found out how to read hieroglyphics until the discovery of the rosetta stone. So no, it can't be.

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Q: Did ancient hieroglyphics influence English alphabet?
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What symbols does Egypt use?

Ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphics as their alphabet.

Was it hard to write in hieroglyphics for a pharaoh?

Hieroglyphics were the Ancient Egyptian's system of writing, like we have the alphabet, so a Pharaoh wouldn't have had a problem writing in hieroglyphics, as these were the symbols that the Ancient Egyptians had learnt to write with.

What ancient people invented the basic alphabet that's used by the US?

The Western alphabets, including English, evolved thusly: Hieroglyphics > Phoenician > Greek > Latin

What advantages does a phonetic alphabet like Greek have over pictorial writing like hieroglyphics?

The advantages of a phonetic alphabet has is that it was less complicated to read and understand. Writings such as Chinese or hieroglyphics of ancient Egypt have thousands of different symbols that can be easily confused with others.

What was the purpose of hieroglyphics?

Hieroglyphics were used in ancient Egypt as a writing system to record important religious, political, and historical information. They were commonly used on temples, tombs, and official documents to convey messages through intricate symbols and images.

How does the Phoenician alphabet influence the world in the future?

The letter in the Phonecian alphabet were the base upon which the Greek alphabet was built. From the greek alphabet, the roman alphabet was formed. The ancient roman alphabet are the letters used in Latin, and all of the Romance languages (English, Frensh, Spanish, Italian, ect.) '

What ancient alphabet is our modern-day English alphabet ORIGINALLY based on?


What ancient alphabet is your modern day English alphabet originally based on?


Ancient Egypt's influence on modern day?

Writing, alphabet, and pyramids

What was Egypt's alphabet used for?

Hieroglyphics were used for secret codes or for privacy in writing. Only the Egyptian people can decipher hieroglyphs in the ancient time.

How are the symbols in hieroglyphics different than the symbols used in our writing system?

Although hieroglyphics were used as a form of writing, they were different from the alphabet because they were pictographs (picture images that represented different thoughts and concepts), rather that characters that are combined to communicate representative ideas.

How can smaller civilizations such as Phoenicia and Lydia exert their influence on the ancient world?

Their main influence was by trade. However they did export cultural influences such as the Phoenician alphabet which was the basis of effectife writing which was passed on through Greek and Roman hands to form the basis of our English alphabet and written communications today.