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Well, Most citizens were homless, jobless and starving

they would do watever it took to get a home a job or food

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Q: Did all US citizens show full support for the New Deal to end the Depression?
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A specific right of a full citizen of Rome that was not granted to partial citizens was the right to hold public office.

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Citizenship is not an issue. It sounds like a good case, based on the support and visitation issues, but it would be up to the court.

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Spartans, who were full citizens who could vote. Perioeci, who are free but not full citizens and could not vote. Helots, the slave class, were owned by Spartans and could not vote (naturally).

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There is not a book that will be full of depression quizzes but there are a lot of books on the topic. If you think that you are suffering from depression make sure that you go to your doctor and get the help that you might need.