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It is believed that, in 1980, two-month-old Azaria Chamberlain was taken from a camping ground near Uluru/Ayers Rock in central Australia. Her mother Lindy claimed that a dingo had stolen her baby. Though the baby was not found, her bloodstained clothes were found a week later by a tourist. At the first inquest into her death, it was found that the likely cause of Azaria's disappearance was a dingo attack.

Police and prosecutors moved for a second inquest which began in September 1981. This time, the new finding was made that Azaria had been killed with a pair of scissors and held by a small adult hand until she stopped bleeding. Lindy Chamberlain was convicted of murder on 29 October 1982, and her husband Michael was found guilty of being an accessory.

Lindy Chamberlain was acquitted several years later after a British tourist fell to his death from Uluru. When searchers found his body 8 days later in an area full of dingo lairs, Azaria Chamberlain's missing jacket was also found. From this evidence, it can be assumed that dingoes did take and eat this baby.

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