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Japan surrendered after 2 bombs.

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Q: Did US surrender after the Atomic bomb?
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What ended war in japan in world war 2?

the atomic bomb led to the surrender in the pacific

Who brought the Japanese to surrender?

The Atomic Bomb

Why would US drop the atomic bomb on Japan?

To force them to surrender, there for ending World War 2.

Why was the atomic bomb a turning point in US history?

It contributed a lot to the surrender of Japan, which ended the war.

Did the us use second atomic bomb out of spite?

No. A demand for surrender had been made and the Japanese refused so the second bomb was delivered.

What major event led to the surrender of Japanese forces?

The US drops the atomic bomb on two Japanese cities.

How did Japan get out of world war 2?

The US dropped an atomic bomb on Japan and told them they would drop another if Japan did not surrender. They didn't surrender, so the US dropped a second atom bomb. The US then told Japan that they would send a THIRD atom bomb (which they actually didn't have. It was a HUGE bluff), and luckily for mankind, the Japanese DID surrender.

Why was the second atomic bomb used?

The second atomic bomb was used on Nagasaki because Japan did not surrender after the first bomb on Hiroshima. The goal was to force Japan to surrender quickly and end World War II.

What did the us use to end the war with japan?

They attacked Japan with the Atomic Bomb and then they told them that they had to surrender or they would drop another atomic bomb. The Japanese refused to surrender and they dropped another one. This killed more than 200,000 Japanese. Finally Japan had surrendered.

Why did you atomic bomb Japan?

because japan was not ready to surrender.

Was Germany to be a target of US Atomic bomb in the years before Germany's surrender?

Germany surrendered too soon in 1944.

Why was the decision made to drop the second bomb?

Japan refused to surrender after the first atomic bomb.