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Ramses the great ruled during the time when lower and upper Egypt were united, so he ruled both.

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Q: Did Twosret rule upper Egypt or lower Egypt?
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Where did the pharaoh rule?

The pharaoh ruled in upper and lower egypt :)EgyptEgypt

Did King Tutankhamun rule Upper Egypt or Lower Egypt?

King Tut ruled as Pharaoh for Upper and Lower Egypt for a few years

Who was the first 'pharaoh' of Egypt?

Menes (also called Narmer) was the first pharaoh of Egypt. After he has conquered Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt, he combined the red crown and the white crown together as a symbol of his rule of Egypt as one kingdom.

What did the double crown of Egypt symbolises?

In Ancient Egypt, the land was divided into two parts. They were Lower and Upper Egypt. Their names were backwards- Lower Egypt is more up north, towards the Nile Delta, than Upper Egypt, which is towards where the Nile starts. Each one of the two parts had its own pharaoh. The Upper Pharaoh wore the Hedjet, the crown of Upper Egypt, and the Pharaoh of Lower Egypt wore the Deshret. If a single pharaoh could manage to unite both Upper and Lower Egypt to create one big Egypt, he was The best. He was all-powerful, almost a god. If you could do this, the people would literally worship you. If you could unite the two parts of Egypt, you could fit the Hedjet into the Deshret to make the Sekhemti, also called the Pschent. The two crowns, Hedjet for Upper Egypt, and the Deshret for Lower Egypt, were specifically made for this purpose- they were actually made to fit together like puzzle pieces. If you could wear the Pschent, you were the ultimate Pharaoh. You were almost a god.

When did King Scorpion rule Upper Egypt?

in 5000bc

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What African country did the Pharaohs rule?

lower Egypt and upper Egypt

How did Menes achieve to rule upper and lower Egypt?

Menes was a pharaoh of Upper and Lower Egypt

Why did the the pharaohs of the first Dynasty wear a double crown?

they wore the double crown to symbolize their rule over Upper and Lower Egypt.

Where did King Menes rule in Ancient Egypt?

upper and lower egypt at one time or anther

When did menes rule Egypt?

He ruled from 3407- 3346 B.C. He united upper and lower Egypt

Who was the fist king to rule after the lower and upper Egypt came together?


Where did the pharaoh rule?

The pharaoh ruled in upper and lower egypt :)EgyptEgypt

What part of Ancient Egypt did Tutankhamun rule?

Tutankharmun ruled the whole of ancient being upper and lower egypt.

Did King Tutankhamun rule Upper Egypt or Lower Egypt?

King Tut ruled as Pharaoh for Upper and Lower Egypt for a few years

Which of the pharaohs in Egypt a great conqueror?

I'm thinking Ramses the Great...uniting upper and lower Egypt under one rule. He expanded the boogers of Egypt.

Who was the first 'pharaoh' of Egypt?

Menes (also called Narmer) was the first pharaoh of Egypt. After he has conquered Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt, he combined the red crown and the white crown together as a symbol of his rule of Egypt as one kingdom.

King Narmer united which two kingdoms?

King Narmer united Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt during his rule in the 1st Dynasty.