Yes He was shot in the foot in a conflict with other native Americans which permenantly made him walk with a limp.
Also his wife and biological son died.
He also was forced off of his native lands.
sitting bull
As far as anyone knows, yes
The link located below is to a web page (with sound and popups - sorry to say) that has a photo of Standing Holy as well as Crow Foot (two of Sitting Bull's Children).
If you are referring to the Doug Hicks who carves Cottonwood at the Minnesota Renaissance festival for the last 32 years, the answer would be no. Some likeness's maybe but not intentional. Doug Hicks
sitting bull
Yes he has given ones such as "Every seed awakened and all animals life" and "I wish it be known that I was last to surrender my rifle".
As far as anyone knows, yes
The link located below is to a web page (with sound and popups - sorry to say) that has a photo of Standing Holy as well as Crow Foot (two of Sitting Bull's Children).
no !
yes there was
answer she does not have any problems in her life style.
We get spectacles. thats the main cause of sitting in front of any screens .
five for any dog and if you breed them to much they could develop problems and may die having birth or from ovary cancer