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Q: Did Samuel Adams help out in the townshend acts?
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How did the daughters of liberty help protest the counte of liberty help protest the Townshend Act?

By supporting there boycott against the townshend acts

What did the Townshend Acts say?

The Townshend Acts were designed to help the British control the Colonists through taxation. They placed taxes on goods purchased in Europe that were sent to the Americas. There were taxes placed on several items including paint, paper, and tea.

Why were the Redcoats sent to Boston?

to help officials enforce the Townshend Acts or a series of laws passed by the British Parliament.

What were Samuel Adams' thoughts on government?

he help the patriots to not to listen to the britishlaws and to daiobey

What two groups of organizations did Samuel Adams help create?

Sons of Liberty

What was Samuel Adams beliefs?

colonists can govern themselves without Englands help.

How did Samuel Adams feel about the revolution?

Samuel was sort of neutral, but at the same time he had the urge of wanting to help the American soldiers.

What group did Samuel Adams form to help the Patriots?

he help by killing all the red coats in the revoulition

What Samuel Adams and thomas Hutchinson might have said about the intolerable act?

Samuel Adams might react calmly.He might have planned ways to help colonists regain their control over themselves.

What group did Samuel Adams help to start in order to protest the Stamp Act?

the Sons of Liberty

How did Samuel Adams help people?

He saved them from the war. He also gave them rights and freedom of speeh.

Did Samuel Adams help dump tea into the Boston Harbor?

Yes, he did.