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Q: Did Samuel Adams coin the phrase Give you liberty or Give you death?
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What individual spoke out against taxation without representation and said give you liberty or give you death?

Samuel Adams.

What year did Samuel Adams say give you liberty or give you death?

"Give me liberty or give me death!" are the final words of a speech reportedly given by Patrick Henry to the Virginia Convention on March 23, 1775.

How do Samuel Adams die?

Samuel Adams died from nature death. Meaning he died from age.

How old was Samuel Adams at death?

Samuel Adams died on October 2, 1803 at the age of 81.

How did Patrick Henry help the revolutionary?

He ended the stamp act with the words, "Give me Liberty, or give me death." Along with himself, Samuel and John Adams ended the Stamp Act too.

Who was one of the colonists to organize protests and urge other colonists to resist british control?

Samuel Adams Patrick Henry-"Give me liberty or give me death." John Adams

Who were John Hancock Samuel Adams and Patick Henry and what were their roles in the American Revolution?

Samuel Adams was a brewer and he got people angered at the Brits for the taxes. John Hannock was the guy who has the huge signature on the Declartion of Independence. Patrick Henry was most famous for his speech and his immortal last words 'Give me Liberty or give me death'. This is a summary as you can tell.

What did Samuel Adams do after the revolution?

Samuel Adams was known as one the best patriots for the United States. Samuel died on October 2, 1803 from natural causes. Samuel was 81 years old at the time of his death. -lexi he was known as the beer guy

How many times was Samuel Adams married?

Samuel Adams was married twice. He was married to Elizabeth Checkley in 1749. After her death in 1757, it would be some time before he married Elizabeth Wells in 1764.

What memorable phrase did James Otis coin?

"Give me liberty or give me death"

What makes Patrick Henry memorable?

he's famous for his phrase "Give me liberty, or give me death."

Did Samuel Adams support shays rebellion?

he opposed taking up arms against a republican government, where problems should be remedied through elections. He thought the leaders of Shays's Rebellion should be hanged, reportedly saying that "the man who dares to rebel against the laws of a republic ought to suffer death".