

Did Russia have a depression

Updated: 11/5/2022
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12y ago

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Indeed it did however it was not really over one period. Since the collapse of the tsarist regime through the capture and execution of Tsar Nicholas II and his family the economic state of Russia was in turmoil which spread vast famine throughout most of this period. However when the rest of the western world fell into mass depression in the 1930s~ Stalin had launched his 5 year economic plans which set to modernise russia into a modern day industrial superpower a feat which he did achieve. For this reason the depression appeared to not affect russia but really it was still continuing from around 1918 and the introduction of War communism to defeat the mensheviks in the civil war. Which was replaced with lenins New economic policy which somewhhat resembled capitalism but it only improved the economy for a little bit before it was removed.

Hope this helps!

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