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Rosa Parks did not finish high school She started school at the Alabama State Teachers College for Negroes for secondary education but she had to drop out to take care of her ill grandmother and later her ill mother.

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Q: Did Rosa Parks finish high school?
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When did Rosa parks graduate highschool?

Rosa Parks finished high school in 1933.

Did Rosa parks complete high school?

yesss she did.

When did Rosa Parks graduate high school?


When Rosa parks got out of high school?

i dont

Did Rosa parks go to highschool?

yes Rosa did go to high school

When did Rosa parks get her high school diploma?

After she married Raymond Parks, Mr. Parks encouraged Mrs. Parks to finish high school. The year they got married was 1932 and approximately 11 years after, Mrs. Rosa Parks, achieved her high school diploma, approximately at age 30.

Where did Rosa Parks attend high school?

She attended Booker T. Washington High School

How old was Rosa parks when she dropped out of school?

Rosa Parks dropped out of school around age 16 to care for her sick grandmother and mother. She later returned to school and earned her high school diploma.

Did Rosa Parks have a high school job?

Rosa Parks (like Ernest Green) did not have a job until she graduated high school. Like I said before, not a lot of African-Americans had jobs in the 1900's.

Were did Rosa Parks go to for high school?

All African American Booker .T. Washington High School

What high school did Rosa Parks go to?

booker t.washingtoncollage alambama collage

When did Rosa Parks finish school?

Rosa Parks was unable to go to college. When she graduated high school in 1934 women and blacks were not allowed to enroll in southern colleges. It isn't until the 1960's and the civil rights movement that the first black man will be enrolled. By 1970 only about one student in 50 in the non-black colleges were black. It wasn't until 1954 that school desegregation was ordered by the Supreme Court, so Rosa Parks never had the chance to attend college and became a housekeeper.