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Robert E. Lee commanded the Confederate Forces at Gettysburg.

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Q: Did Robert E. Lee fight in gettesberg?
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What side did Robert E. Lee fight?


Did Robert E. Lee fight in shilo?

No, he was in the East.

What did Robert lee do?

Robert E. Lee was one of the confederate generals but first agreed to fight for the north.

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What war did Robert E. Lee fight in?

Robert E. Lee was the commanding general of the Confederate army in the American Civil War.

Where did Robert E. Lee learn how to fight?

He was appointed to Westpoint in 1825.

Did General Lee fight for his state?

Yes , Robert E. Lee chose to fight for his state of Virginia during the US Civil War .

Who decided to give up the fight and surrender to the union arm?

Robert E. Lee

Why do people call Robert e lee Robert e lee and not Robert edward lee?

it was shorter

What battles did Robert e lee fight in during the civil war?

The battle of Calvin Frankson

Who did Ulysses S. Grant fight during the Civil War?

Robert E. Lee. He was a confedarate.

How many wars did Robert e lee fight in?

The only war he fought in was the civil war.