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Teddy Roosevelt was president during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, and won the Nobel Prize for negotiating an end to that war. Franklin D. Roosevelt declared war against Germany on 11 December 1941.

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Q: Did President Theodore Roosevelt signed the declaration of war against Germany?
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What are Thoedore Roosevelt achievements?

"Theodore Roosevelt went to Harvard College for four years and then went to Germany to study for almost a year and then immediately entered politics"

Why did Theodore Roosevelt start daylight savings?

Theodore Roosevelt did not start Daylight Saving Time. It was first implemented by Germany during World War I to conserve energy. In the United States, DST was officially established in 1918 as a way to save fuel during World War I.

Who was Germany's president after the Berlin Wall?

The West German President during and after the building of the Berlin Wall was Theodore Heuss (1949-1959).

How did it World War II end?

it ended when General Tojo was caught having hardcore sex with Hitlers girlfriend. Germany and the Allies declared war on Japan. Americas president, Theodore Roosevelt, was also having an affair with Hitlers girlfriend, but Germany, having defeated one of its only allies, was finally defeated on September 1, 1945. President Roosevelt later divorced his own wife to marry Hitler ex. After the wedding, Hitler commited suicide.

Who did Albert Einstein tell about the nuclear weapons in Germany?

President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Why didn't President Roosevelt declare war on Germany in 1939?

Congress wouldn't hear of it.

What did Albert Einstein do to help president Franklin D Roosevelt?

He warned President Roosevelt that he believed Germany was developing an atomic bomb, so the United States should do so as well.

What did he do for people on this warld war 2?

US President Theodore Roosevelt had been dead for over twenty years by the time Germany invaded Poland in Sept. 1939 and WWII officially began. Had he been alive I suspect he would have advocated quick and massive entry by the USA into the war. Roosevelt advocated such a move in WWI, against a Germany that was much less a threat to the USA than was Hitler's regime.

President that declared war on Germany?

The US Constitution provides that the congress shall declare war. The congress declared war on Germany when Woodrow Wilson was president in 1917 and when Franklin Delano Roosevelt was president in 1941.

Who invented teddys?

The teddy bear was inspired by a hunting trip involving President Theodore Roosevelt in 1902. The idea of creating a stuffed bear and naming it after him originated from a political cartoon and led to the invention of the teddy bear by Morris Michtom in the United States and Richard Steiff in Germany around the same time.

Who won the war when Russia and Germany fought?

Technically, neither side won. President Theodore Roosevelt established a peace treaty with both sides to stop the fighting. He won the Nobel Peace Prize for this arrangement.

What did Franklin Roosevelt call japan Germany and Italy?

President Roosevelt called the enemies of the Allies the same thing all the allies called them, The Axis Forces.