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Q: Did Pharoh Menes's heirs carry on ofter his death as pharohs?
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What is the purpose of the tomb?

the tombs were built for the Egyptian Pharohs to sucsessfully enter the 'afterlife' (life after death)

How did pharohs become pharoh?

His father in law died (Akenaton, but his real name is Amenotep)and Tutenkhamun had to take his place, he was just about ten yrs old back then. He relied on help from palace officials and priests, who convinced him to restore the old religion. After ruling for only 9 yrs, Tutenkhamun died unexpectedly.

What did King Tutankhamun do to become important?

he was the youngest Pharoh to go to the throne (age 9) and there is mystery surrounding his death

Why did Egyptiansmummify the dead?

since they belived there was life after death, they more than likely wanted the pharohs to be happy in the after life and to not have changed from the time of their death to when they reached the after life

How did the anicent egptain demonstrate their belief in life after death?

They drew pictures on walls of the Afterlife and sent a Pharoh's belongings into his pyramid so he could take them with him into the Afterlife.

Why did the Egyptians buld pyramids?

the ancient egyptians are believed to be religious and honored their dead. The pharohs were honored by a wonder today called pyramids. After a pharaohs death they were buried in the pyramids

who was pharaoh after the death of Joseph in the first chapter of exodus?

After the death of Joseph, a new pharaoh came to power in Egypt who did not know Joseph. This new pharaoh oppressed the Israelites and enslaved them, setting the stage for the events recounted in the book of Exodus.

When and how did the Jews become slaves in Egypt?

According to Jewish chronology, the slavery began in (or around) 2350 BCE.

Why was the relationship between the Pharaoh and the gods Horus and Osiris important?

ancient egpytians believed that the pharohs were essentially related to, and were intern godly themselves. The pharohs and 'royalty' mimicked the rituals of their gods which included things like incest.

What were the early Egyptian religious beliefs?

Early Egyptians believed in life after death. Rich people and Pharohs would preserve their bodies through a process called mummification. So that their spirit would recognize their body and use it as a home.

Does Indiana carry the death penalty?

Yes Indiana carries out the death penalty today.

How do parasites affect population?

It depends on the parasite and if they carry a diseases. Mosquitoes can carry malaria, yellow fever, Zika all which have high death rates, especially malaria. Fleas can carry the plague (black death) which killed hundreds of thousands.