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Yes, he actually was the one to get the pen and paper. He also told Jefferson to take all the credit so that is why Jefferson is called the father of the Declaration of Independence

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He was greatly pleased with it and believed it furthered the cause for liberty and encouraged the colonists.

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No, but he did sign the constitution.

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No damnit.

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Q: Did Patrick Henry oppose the declaration of independence?
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who wrote Declaration of Independence ?

Patrick Henry, who said give me liberty or give me death

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Give me Liberty or give me death. This was a phrase spoken by Patrick Henry who was asking for the Declaration of Independence to get independence for America from England.

What actions did Patrick Henry take or against independence?

Some actions Patrick henry took was declaring independence between the American colonies

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Patrick Henry was in favor of: colonial independence from Britain continued British rule of colonies additional debates on the subject of independence

Why didn't patrick henry sign the declaration?

He did not think it was an apprpriate time to pass that declaration

Did Richard lee sign the Declaration of Independence?

Richard Henry Lee did sign the declaration of independence. Along with Thomas Jefferson.

Why does Patrick Henry oppose ratification?

Patrick Henry opposed ratification because he felt it gave the federal government too much power. Patrick Henry also felt the Constitution did not protect individual rights.

On what grounds did Patrick Henry not oppose the new constitution?

the states had too many rights

When was the Declaration of Independence adopoted?

The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, 1776. This was after 12 colonies voted in favor of the motion for independence which was proposed by Richard Henry Lee.

What has the author Henry Drummond-Wolff written?

Henry Drummond-Wolff has written: 'A declaration of independence' 'Declaration of independence and interdepedence' 'Commonwealth' -- subject(s): Commercial policy, International law, History

What resolution was offered by Richard Henry Lee?

Richard Henry Lee offered the resolution to declare independence and make it happen. His words inspired the beginning and making of the Declaration of Independence. Richard Henry Lee also signed the Declaration.

How Would the Constitution have been different if Patrick Henry outspoken signer of the Declaration of Independence had participated in framing it?

I don't think it would have been different. He was one man and one voice.