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No, but Octavian/Augustus did build a large double library, which consisted of two adjoining buildings. One building was for Greek works and the other for Roman works. The first public library built in Rome was built by Gaius Pollio.

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Q: Did Octavian build Rome's first library?
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Did Augustus Caesar build romes first library?

Augustus did build a library, but not the first. The first library in Rome was build by Asinius Pollio. He was a writer himself and an ally of Julius Caesar. The precise date that he built the library is unknown, but his collected works were the source that Plutarch used.

Who became romes first emperor in 27 BC?

Octavian/Augustus became Rome's first emperor.

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In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.

Who was Rome's first empiror?

Rome's first emperor was Octavian/Augustus.Rome's first emperor was Octavian/Augustus.Rome's first emperor was Octavian/Augustus.Rome's first emperor was Octavian/Augustus.Rome's first emperor was Octavian/Augustus.Rome's first emperor was Octavian/Augustus.Rome's first emperor was Octavian/Augustus.Rome's first emperor was Octavian/Augustus.Rome's first emperor was Octavian/Augustus.

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Augustus was a title awarded to Octavian by the senate. It was not a name, but a unique title honoring him and his achievements.The title Augustus was given to him by a resolution of the Senate.In a nutshell Octavian was was given the title Augustus (meaning revered) by the senate because he was loyal and great and the liked him alot. The name stuck.

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yes, yes he did. c:

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What was the romes interesting invention?

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What was romes first code of laws was the?

Twelve tables

Did octavian come after Nero?

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