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Q: Did Nero set chritains on fire for parties?
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Who were the emperors persecuting Christians in Rome in 64 CE?

There were no emperors persecuting the Christians in 64 AD. This is a misconception. 64 was the year of the Great Fire of Rome and the emperor Nero was in power. Nero did not persecute the Christians for their religion. Nero punished the Christians for the crime of arson. After the outrage died down, the Christians were free to worship as they saw fit.

What did Nero accomplish for the Roman Empire?

He set rome on fire. Or at least that is the erroneous popular notion. Serious historians doubt that he had anything to do with the burning of the city.

Did the great fire of Rome cause controversy?

That Nero burnt Rome to build his imperial palace (which was the size of a small town) was an allegation. The only historian who lived at the time of Nero (Tacitus) wrote that Nero was not in Rome when the fire broke out and that he did his best to help the victims, going through the rubble with his bare hands, providing shelter in his palace and financing the relief efforts. The story of Nero playing the fiddle during the fire is an anachronistic legend. The fiddle did not exist in his days.

What emperor of Rome set fire and destroyed most of the city?

Emperor Nero is widely believed to be responsible for setting fire to Rome in 64 AD. However, it is also widely debated whether he deliberately initiated the fire or if it was accidental. The fire resulted in widespread destruction and is said to have lasted for six days.

What does Nero fiddled while Rome burned mean?

Nero did not fiddle while Rome burned. For one, the violin had not been invented in his time. Nero was an artistic person, and it's said that when he found that there was nothing he could do to quench the fire, he was inspired to compose a poem about the burning of Troy. Now, poetry in the ancient world was sung to the accompaniment of a lyre. So that's about all he could do musically.

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Who set fire to parts of Rome?

Nobody set fire to parts of Rome. There were allegations that Nero had set fire to Rome in the great Fire of 64. Tacitus, a historian who lived during this period and the only one who gave details of the fire, said that Nero was not in Rome when the fire started. He also said that Nero made great efforts to help the people affected by the fire. He spent days searching for survivors without bodyguards, opened his palaces to host the homeless and bought food supplies with his money. He then made an urban plan with houses built on wider roads and faced by porticoes. The allegations of arson were made by writers who were not around at the time of the fire and who were patricians (aristocrats). They were keen on slandering Nero because the patricians hated Nero. On the other hand, the poor loved Nero who were very upset when he died.

Was emperor Nero of Rome mentally ill?

Nero was eccentric and extravagant, but was not mentally ill. There were allegations that he deliberately set fire to Rome in the Great Fire of 64. However, Tacitus said that he was not even in Rome when the fire broke out. This allegation was slander by writers who despised him. Nero, instead, was loved by the poor because he pursued policies to help them.

What did Nero do to the Christians?

Emperor Nero blamed the Christians for the fire in Rome in 64 C.E., Tacitus wrote: "Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace.

Who was involved in the great fire of Rome?

There were allegations that Nero had set fire to Rome in the Great Fire of 64. However, Tacitus, a historian who lived during this period and the only one who gave details of the fire, said that Nero was not in Rome when the fire started. He also said that Nero made great efforts to help the people affected by the fire, spent days searching for survivors without bodyguards, opened his palaces to host the homeless and bought food supplies with his money. He then made an urban plan with houses built on wider roads and faced by porticoes. The allegations of arson were made by writers who were not around at the time of the fire and who were patricians (aristocrats) and were hostile to Nero. They were keen on slandering him because the patricians hated Nero. On the other hand, the poor loved Nero and were very upset when he died. These writers alleged that Nero set fire to the city to make room to build a massive palace. However, fires in Rome were very common as it was an overcrowded city and timber was used to build houses, which were packed in alleys. There were other large fires in 69 and 80 AD. Suetonius, who was not even born at the time of the fire, and Cassius Dio, who lived about 100 years after the episode were the ones who alleged that Nero set Rome alight. According to one legend Nero played the fiddle during the fire. However, the fiddle did not exist in Nero's time.

Who were the emperors persecuting Christians in Rome in 64 CE?

There were no emperors persecuting the Christians in 64 AD. This is a misconception. 64 was the year of the Great Fire of Rome and the emperor Nero was in power. Nero did not persecute the Christians for their religion. Nero punished the Christians for the crime of arson. After the outrage died down, the Christians were free to worship as they saw fit.

Why are Roman candles called Roman?

The roman candles were called roman candles because they were made in rome...and that's where they were first made.

What did Nero accomplish for the Roman Empire?

He set rome on fire. Or at least that is the erroneous popular notion. Serious historians doubt that he had anything to do with the burning of the city.

Why did Nero kill St. Peter?

In 64 AD Rome was nearly burned to the ground by a huge inferno. Some say that Nero ordered the fire to be set so that he could rebuild the city in his own vision. Others say the fire was an accident. Now Nero had little use for the Christians who were now increasing in numbers throughout the Roman Empire. He decided to blame the fire on the Christian community and started a persecution to try and wipe them out. Peter, as well as Paul, were prime targets of Nero's wrath as they were leaders in the Christian community. Both were killed under orders from Nero sometime in 64-65 AD.

Did the great fire of Rome cause controversy?

That Nero burnt Rome to build his imperial palace (which was the size of a small town) was an allegation. The only historian who lived at the time of Nero (Tacitus) wrote that Nero was not in Rome when the fire broke out and that he did his best to help the victims, going through the rubble with his bare hands, providing shelter in his palace and financing the relief efforts. The story of Nero playing the fiddle during the fire is an anachronistic legend. The fiddle did not exist in his days.

What were the circumstances of Saint Peter's death?

According to 2000 years of Catholic tradition, Saint Peter was imprisoned in Rome under orders of Emperor Nero. The Christians were accused by Nero of setting the great fire that nearly destroyed Rome. It is believed that Nero, himself, had the fire set. Peter was condemned to be crucified. He requested that he be crucified upside down as he did not feel worthy to die in the same manner as Christ.

What emperor of Rome set fire and destroyed most of the city?

Emperor Nero is widely believed to be responsible for setting fire to Rome in 64 AD. However, it is also widely debated whether he deliberately initiated the fire or if it was accidental. The fire resulted in widespread destruction and is said to have lasted for six days.

What does Nero fiddled while Rome burned mean?

Nero did not fiddle while Rome burned. For one, the violin had not been invented in his time. Nero was an artistic person, and it's said that when he found that there was nothing he could do to quench the fire, he was inspired to compose a poem about the burning of Troy. Now, poetry in the ancient world was sung to the accompaniment of a lyre. So that's about all he could do musically.