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Nero did not actually persecute the Christians as later emperors did. He rounded them up and punished those he found for the crime of arson. After conditions calmed down, he let them alone and they were free to practice their religion, although they were still considered a "suspicious cult" by many.

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Q: Did Nero grant Christians freedom of religion after the persecution?
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What freedom did Constantine and Licinius grant the Roman people?

They granted the Roman people freedom of religion.

What is the purpose of the First Amendment?

The purpose of the first amendment is to give United States of America citizens freedom of speech, grant freedom of religon without persecution, allow assembly and petition of the government.

What was the primary reason for the settlement in Pennsylvania?

William Penn founded Pennsylvania with a land grant that was owed his deceased Father. His goal was to create a colony that allowed for freedom of religion due to his desire to protect himself and fellow Quakers from persecution.

What Roman Emperor stopped the persecutions of the Christians?

History shows that there were three fairly brief periods of official, widespread persecution (249-251, 257 and 303-311), apart from which most Roman emperors were tolerant of Christianity. The last and most important period is called the Great Persecution. Galerius issued the Edict of Toleration, permitting freedom of religion throughout the Roman Empire and thereby ending the Great Persecution of Diocletian. Constantine subsequently extended privileges to the Christian Church by proclaiming the Edict of Milan.

Why did Constantine give Christians freedom?

Christians had already enjoyed relative freedom throughout the Roman empire before the time of Constantine, as evidenced by the number of Christian churches that had been built, in addition to the traditional house-churches. However, Constantine lifted the persecution imposed by his predecessor, Diocletian. In fact, Constantine went much further, granting the mainstream Christian Church state patronage and commencing the persecution and plundering of pagan temples. Constantine may have genuinely become a Christian: Gibbon believes not, saying that he was merely using the faith cynically for his own ends; others such as Michael Grant say that, although substantially motivated by the belief that Christianity would help achieve his imperial aims, Constantine was more motivated by genuine Christian belief. Certainly Constantine believed that a dominant, united Christian Church would help maintain a united Roman Empire. It was one of his greatest disappointments that he was unable to achieve Church unity.

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What freedom did Constantine and Licinius grant the Roman people?

They granted the Roman people freedom of religion.

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The first to grant religious freedom to all men was the colony which would become Rhode Island. They passed a law in 1636 that forbid persecutions not only of Christians but non-Christians also. It also separated church and state.

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The purpose of the first amendment is to give United States of America citizens freedom of speech, grant freedom of religon without persecution, allow assembly and petition of the government.

What was the primary reason for the settlement in Pennsylvania?

William Penn founded Pennsylvania with a land grant that was owed his deceased Father. His goal was to create a colony that allowed for freedom of religion due to his desire to protect himself and fellow Quakers from persecution.

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The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees Americans the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom to petition the government, and freedom to assemble peacefully.

What is persecution of faith?

Persecution of faith is any action taken to prevent or deter others from holding whatever religious beliefs they choose and worshipping as they please, subject only to the public good. It includes punishments meted out for religious beliefs or worship, official sanctions, damage to temples, mosques or churches, or theft of religious property. In some circumstances it can even include officially refusing to register a religion or grant it the right to hold services or perform public sacrifices. It is the same whether, for example, Christians were persecuted by pagans or Christians persecuted pagans.

What religion is Isla grant?

Is Isla grant's religion is Christianity.

What were Grant's beliefs?

Grant was a Christian. He beleived in all things that Christians believe in.

Why was Pennsylvania established?

The Pennsylvania Colony was established because William Penn was in possession of a land grant that had been owed to his father before he died. Penn was a Quaker and wanted to establish a colony where there would be freedom from religious persecution.

What Roman Emperor stopped the persecutions of the Christians?

History shows that there were three fairly brief periods of official, widespread persecution (249-251, 257 and 303-311), apart from which most Roman emperors were tolerant of Christianity. The last and most important period is called the Great Persecution. Galerius issued the Edict of Toleration, permitting freedom of religion throughout the Roman Empire and thereby ending the Great Persecution of Diocletian. Constantine subsequently extended privileges to the Christian Church by proclaiming the Edict of Milan.

What are the three rights guaranteed in the bill of rights?

There are 5 freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.The Freedom of SpeechThe Freedom of PressThe Freedom of AssemblyThe Freedom of PetitionThe Freedom of Religion