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No- Rockefeller , who was appointed to replace Ford, who became President when Nixon resigned, served out the rest of Ford's term.

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Q: Did Nelson Rockefeller resigned the office of Vice President of the US?
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Who appointed Gerald ford as vice president?

When Gerald Ford took the presidency and left the office of vice presidency in 1974, he nominated Nelson Rockefeller as vice president. He did not run with Rockefeller as vice president in the 1976 election, however.

Who is the vice president who became president in 1974?

Gerald Ford was the Vice President from 1973 -1974 under President Richard Nixon, after Spiro Agnew resigned from Office. Ford became president when President Nixon was impeached. President Ford's Vice President was Nelson Rockefeller from 1974-1977

When President Nixon resigned who became president?

The new President was: Gerald R. Ford New Vice-President was: Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller

Who was Fords vice president?

The 38th President of the United States was Gerald Ford from August 9, 1974 to January 20, 1977. His Vice President was Nelson Rockefeller (1974-1977)

Who were the first US president and vice president to serve in office without being elected?

Gerald R Ford and Nelson A Rockefeller, 1974-77

Gerald Ford as President and Nelson Rockefeller as his VP were unique in that?

They were the only men in US history (to date) to have become Vice-President and President without election to either office.

Nominated for vice president under the 25th amendment?

There have been two U.S. Vice Presidents appointed and confirmed according to the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:Gerald R. Ford was appointed by Richard Nixon to replace Spiro T. Agnew. Ford's appointment was confirmed on 6 Dec 1973.Nelson A. Rockefeller was appointed by Gerald R. Ford to replace himself. Rockefeller's appointment was confirmed on 19 Dec 1974.

Who took office when a president resigned?

When a president resigns, the vice president typically takes office.

Why did Nelson Rockefeller become vice-president?

When vice-president Gerald Ford became president due to the resignation of President Nixon, Ford, acting in accordance to the procedure for filling a vacancy in the vice-presidency, nominated Rockefeller for the position and Congress confirmed the appointment.

Why would a president not have a vice-president?

If the President had been a VP themself, and then had been sworn in when the President had died. The VP office would then remain vacant until the next election. This changed under Richard Nixon, so that if a VP became President, a new VP would need to be appointed. As a result, when Nixon resigned, his VP Gerald Ford became President, and Nelson Rockefeller was appointed as Vice President.

What president resinged from office?

the president that resigned is john Hanson

Appointed to the office of vice president under the authority granted by the Twenty-fifth Amendment?

Nelson Rockefeller. He was nominated by Ford to be VP 1974. The answer is NOT Gerald Ford.