

Did Napoleon have one eye

Updated: 12/17/2022
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16y ago

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No, Napoleon had two eyes.

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Was not one of napoleon Bonaparte activities?

Walking on the moon was not one of Napoleon's activities.

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Snowball the nice one that got chased off by dogs. Napoleon the mean one with the dogs, changed the rules to suit him. Squealer, Napoleon's spokesperson, great talker, just about everyone believed him.

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His one famous quotes of Napoleon was AN ARMY MARCHES ON ITS STOMACH.

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There is only one Napoleon and there is only one Hitler.

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yummm. napoleon ice cream! get that one and share some of it with me!

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No, napoleon had 2 tesetecals not one if anyone thinks he did, your crazy because he had a son yet Adolf Hitler did have one testecall.

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Napoleon Bodnaparte deserves that accolade.

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Napoleon was born in Corsica one year after it was acquired by France, so he was French.

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