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Q: Did Metis die when Zeus swallowed Metis?
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Did Metis die when Zeus swallowed her?

No, she did not die. She gave birth to Athena within Zeus, who emerged full grown.

What age was Athena when Zeus swallowed his wife?

Athena was unborn when Metis was swallowed by Zeus.

How did Athena came to existence?

because zeus swallowed her mom metis when she was pregnet of athena and then athena sprang from zeus brain...because Zeus's swallowed her mom Metis when she was pregnant of Athena and then Athena sprang from Zeus's brain...

What really happened to Metis Athena's mother?

Zeus swallowed her.

What did Zeus do to Metis?

He swallowed her and from that event, he gave birth to Athena

Who were Athena the greek gods parrents?

Zeus And Metis Athena sprung out the head of Zeus because Zeus swallowed her mother metis even before Athena was born

How did Zeus swallow metis?

He swallowed her by biting bits of her then swallowing it DELICIOUS!!

Did Zeus swallow his wives?

No that is the father of Zeus Kronos who swallowed his kids. Zeus did swallow Metis, but he did not make a habit of it.

How close was Athena to her mother?

Athena never saw Metis because Metis when pregnant with Athena was swallowed by Zeus.

Was Metis immortal or did she die when Zeus swallowed her?

Metis was a titan so she was immortal. When Zeus swallowed her she stayed alive in his head, and gave birth to her daughter Athena inside his head. His head was then chopped open and Athena popped out. Some myths say that she stayed inside Zeus' head, and since she was the titan goddess of wisdom she supplied most of Zeus' intelligence.

What did Zeus' father do to his siblings?

Swallowed them; Zeus with the aid of Metis later made Cronus disgorge them whole.

How long were Zeus and Metis married before he swallowed her?

as long as took for her to swallow him