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He had two. A daughter named Catherine and a son called Henry, both of whom were illegitimate.

It is very possible that she did. Both Catherine and Henry Carey were born within the time period that she was having an affair with Henry VIII, but it is not known wither they were the product of the affair or of her husband William Carey. Wither they were the children of Henry VIII or not they were the cousins of Queen Elizabeth and Henry Carey became the 1st Baron Hunsdon
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14y ago
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13y ago

Maybe. She did have an affair with Henry VIII and during the time they had the affair she gave birth to a daughter and a son, but some people are not convinced that they are both the children of the king.

She was married to her first husband while conducting the affair, so some historians think that both children were her husbands. Some claim that there is a good chance that the girl Catherine who was born within the time period of the affair was Henry's, but that the boy Henry was born either after the affair had ended or shortly before.

Personally I think that both were the children of Henry.

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16y ago

There is speculation that she did but most historical records support the Mary's children were fathered by her husband William Carey.

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15y ago

Yes. Called Henry, an illegimate son.

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Q: Did Henry VIII have a child with Mary Boleyn?
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