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Yes and so did his father MLK Sr. The Democrats promised to make substantial changes in order to get their support to keep the party from dissolving because of the way they had treated African-Americans with the KKK and segregation for the past 150 years. Both MLK and his father had been Republicans who were fighting the Democrats for freedom but turned on the Republicans after President Johnson promised to work for the Civil Rights Act and other measures.

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Q: Did Martin Luther King change to the Democratic Party?
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Who led the founding of the US Democratic Party?

By most accounts, the Democratic Party emerged in the 1830s, led by Martin Van Buren, who became president in 1837.

Why did you start celebrating martin Luther king birthday?

Because he was old but he still enjoyed a party

Martin Luther King Jr you are not makers of history you are made by history?

He changed history with his numerous peaceful protests in the most segregated areas. His march on Washington, D.C. was an impetus for change in Washington. After it, two other Civil Rights bills were passed and, albeit gradual, civil rights were achieved/ and still are being a achieved with great thanks to him. He also led to the way for other to continue his work after he was cowardly assassinated. Barack Obama wouldn't have a chance at running for the democratic party's nomination if Martin Luther King Jr. wouldn't of changed & made history.

Why did James Earl Ray kill Dr.Martin Luther King Jr?

James Earl Ray had attended a 'George Wallace presidential campaign rally' the day before he killed Martin Luther King Jr. George Wallace was extremely racist and segregationist. He had run for president on the Democratic ticket but could not become their candidate, so he ran as an Independent. George Wallace was Governor when he stood in the way of a public school as black students tried to enter after segregation was abolished. James Earl Ray was inspired by the Wallace's racist philosophy and rhetoric and decided to kill Martin Luther King Jr. As an aside, though the Democratic party once included segregationist Dixiecrats, most (but not all) of them abandoned the party during the civil rights era to become Independents or Republicans. Good example: Strom Thurmond.

Who founded the Democratic Party and why?

Andrew Jackson founded the Democratic Party to rival the National Republican Party

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Who led the founding of the US Democratic Party?

By most accounts, the Democratic Party emerged in the 1830s, led by Martin Van Buren, who became president in 1837.

When did the Democratic Party start?

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison started the Democratic-Republican party. When the parties split the democratic side was led by Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren.

What did FDR do to cause African-American to change party allegiance?

Make the Democratic Party the party of racial equality.

What was name of Van Burens political party when he ran for president?

He was a member and a founder of the democratic party

Why did you start celebrating martin Luther king birthday?

Because he was old but he still enjoyed a party

What did FDR do to cause American to change party allegiance?

Make the Democratic Party the party of racial equality.

Did Franklin Pierce have something to do with the democratic party?

Franklin Pierce was the fourth Democratic Party Presidential Nominee to be elected President after Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren and James K. Polk.

Who is called as Martin Luther of Maharashtra?

Kanshiramji The man Founder of the leading Political Party OF Bahujan Samaj Party.

What did FDR do to cause the African-Americans to change party allegiance?

Make the democratic party the party of racial equality

What is the name of Ekanya Geofrey's party?

Ekanya Geofrey belongs to the Forum for Democratic Change party.