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No. They were both at the heart of the Confederacy.

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Q: Did Louisiana and Mississippi were loyal to US during civil war?
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Did Mississippi and Louisiana remain loyal to US during Civil War?

They were part of the Confederacy.

What State was loyal during civil war North Carolina or Massachusetts?

Massachusetts remained loyal to the Union.

What was the side Iowa was on in the Civil War?

Iowa remained loyal to the Union during the Civil War.

What states stayed loyal to the US during the civil war?

united states

Did California support north or south in civil war?

California remained loyal to the Northern Union during the US Civil War.

Which side did each border state take during the Civil War?

They stayed loyal to the Union.

Which two forts in the south remained loyal to the union during the civil war?

Fort Taylor and Fort Jefferson

How many states were in the union before the civil war?

During the civil war there were 24 states in the union including the border states. but there was 23 states that remained loyal to the union during the war.

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In the 17th century during the English Civil war because troops loyal to Parliament were stationed there.

What were the states called that remained loyal to the US government?

The states that remained loyal during the Civil War were called the Union states, because they believed that we needed to preserve the union. The others were the Confederate states.

Is it true that USA used to stand for union states of America?

No, it was just 'The Union' - the term for the states that had stayed loyal during the Civil War.

States that remained loyal to the US?

During the Civil War, all of the States and territories of the US stayed loyal, except for Texas, Arkansas, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississppi, and Tennessee a.k.a. Union states