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Yes they did. For horses so they could travel.

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Yes for Horses

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Q: Did Lewis and Clark trade with the Shoshone Indians?
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How did the Shoshone Indians help Lewis and Clark?

The Shoshone Indians helped Lewis and Clark by providing them with horses that made their journey across the Rocky Mountains easier and faster. The horses also enabled the explorers to carry more supplies and trade goods, which were essential for their expedition. Additionally, the Shoshone woman, Sacagawea, who was part of the tribe, served as an interpreter and guide for Lewis and Clark.

What did the Shoshone trade with the other Indians?

they traded bannanas bread awesomw sauce

What did the Arikara Indians like the most from Lewis and Clark's Corps of Discovery?

The Arikara Indians valued the trade goods provided by Lewis and Clark's Corps of Discovery, such as beads, trinkets, and metal tools. They were also interested in the information and news brought by the expedition about other tribes and settlers in the region.

Who helped Lewis and clark with the natives?

Sacagawea, a Shoshone woman, played a crucial role in helping Lewis and Clark communicate with Native American tribes they encountered during their expedition. She acted as an interpreter and guide, facilitating peaceful interactions and trade with various indigenous groups.

What did shoshone indians trade?

they traded bannanas bread awesomw sauce

Did Lewis and Clark ever give Sacagawea a friendship medal?

No they did not give Sacajawea a friendship medal. Lewis and Clark had established friendly relations with a great many Indians tribes to whom they presented gifts, medals, American flags, and a sale of talk designed to promote peace and the fur trade.

What expedition was instrumental in opening trade with western tribes?

The Lewis and Clark Expedition .

What was the main reason for the Lewis and clark expedition?

The main reason for the Lewis and Clark expedition was to explore and map the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase territory, find a practical route across the western part of the continent, establish a US presence in the region, and study the area's plants, animals, and geography. The expedition was also tasked with making diplomatic contact with Native American tribes and documenting their customs.

Why did Lewis and Clark follow the Missouri River?

So that they can find out what is in that area and what inhabitants live there.

Why were Lewis and Clark and Pike and others sent to explore the wilderness?

Lewis and Clark were sent by President Thomas Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Purchase territory and find a water route to the Pacific Ocean. Zebulon Pike was sent to explore the southwestern boundary of the Louisiana Purchase and to gather information about the region. These explorations were conducted to expand US territory, gather valuable information about the land and resources, and establish relationships with Native American tribes.

Where did lewis and clark want to go?

They wanted to find a direct water route to Asia, for trade.

How many beads did Lewis and Clark trade?

Lewis and Clark had brought with them, as gifts to the Native Americans: "5 lbs. White glass beads mostly small", "20 lbs. Red beads assorted", and "5 lbs. of Yellow or Orange beads assorted." These were meant to be used strictly as gifts, but it is true that Lewis and Clark might have used some to trade for supplies when it was necessary.