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Q: Did Leif Ericsson travel With any family?
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What country did Leif Ericsson?

None. He wasn't sponsored by any country.

How did the voyages of Leif Ericsson help to develop the exploration of the Western Hemisphere?

They didn't. At the time of the major explorations (16th to 18th century) nobody had even any idea that Leif Ericson ever had been in the Western Hemisphere. That was only discovered in the 20th century.

Does Leif Erikson have any family members if so what are their names?

yes 1 brother named thorvald

Are there themes for Sony ericsson f305?

No. Sony ericsson f305 does not support any downloaded themes

What country did leif erickson sail for?

Leif Ericsson sailed for himself and his crew. His voyages were not funded by any nation state. He was a Norse sailor who lived at one point in what is now Norway and at another time Iceland.

What sitcom was Leif Garrett in in the 1970's?

Leif wasnt on any sitcom as a regular star in the 70's however he did a couple of episodes here and there for shows like Chips and Family. check his info out on hope this helps?

Does Sony Ericsson s312 supports any downloaded theme?

i want to download temes sony ericsson s312..

Did any Kings or Queens sponsor Leif the Lucky?

No. Leif Ericson didn't have a sponsor.

What did Leif Ericsson explore for?

Well some say for his father Erik the Red,Some say King Olaf, and some just say that he didn't work for any one, just himself. I would write all, but I think he worked for himself.... Hope this helps <3 ! :)

Does Sony Ericsson S312 support themes?

sony ericsson S312 runs on the sony ericsson A050 software platform which simply does not support themes...any website that claims it has S312 themes is not true.

Did leif erikson have any siblings?

He had 3

Did leif ericksin have any failures?

a few