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Q: Did King Harold win the battle of haistings?
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Did king Harold win a battle in 1066?


How win's the battle of hastens?

William the conker won the battle of hastensbecause he shot king Harold in the eye.

Why did Harold not win the battle was it the arrow in his eye?

The Normans had many advantages over King Harold. So, yes, one of them was that King Harold was killed. However, Wikipedia states that there was an account of the battle that stated that he was killed by four nights and dismembered.

What were William and Harold fighting for in the Battle of Hastings?

To win the Throne and become King of England.

Who derved to win the Battle of Hastings?

In my opinion I think that Harold of Wessex deserved to win because during the first two years King William suffered many revolts throughout England, so many people wanted Harold of Wessex to be king. If Harold of Wessex won the battle of Hastings I think that he would have looked after his people as he is wealthy. hope that answers your question

How did the English lose so disastrously at the Battle of Hastings?

Because the English King, Harold made a big mistake which lead to William of Normandy and his army (later William I of England to win the battle and become King of England

Did will win the battle of hastings?

Will (iam) won the battle of Hastings against Harold godwinson

What happened during battle of Hastings?

See the link to the BBC description of The Battle of Hastings. == == == == == == § Contenders for the English throne led to the Battle of Hastings § Harold's Pledge to Duke William of Normandy § William obtains the Pope's approval to attack England § Norman preparation for the Invasion - a Holy War § King Harold prepares for battle against the Normans § Treachery! Earl Tostig plots with King Hardrada of Norway § The Vikings Invade! The Battle of Fulford § The Battle of Stamford Bridge § The Norman Invasion - Preparations at Dives § Duke William Lands at Pevensey - The Normans Invade England § King Harold Receives News Of The Norman Invasion at York § King Harold Gathers an army In London § Duke William Builds a Pre-Built Castle at Pevensey § The Norman Invaders March To Hastings § King Harold's Noble Strategy § King Harold at Senlac (Re-Named Battle), near Hastings § Duke William enters negotiations with the Saxons * The Battle Of Hastings Dawns * Duke William prepares for the Battle of Hastings* Duke William raises The Papal Standard * Duke William issues battle orders * King Harold Prepares For Battle * King Harold issues his battle orders * The Normans advance * The two armies meet * The Battle Of Hastings * The Battle Of Hastings rages from 9am to 3pm* King Harold is Shot above the eye * The Norman's Strategy deceives the Saxons * The Story of the Saxon Knight * The Story of the Norman Knight * The Saxon Barricades are broken * Duke William in battle * The Normans close ranks on the Saxons * The wounded King Harold is killed by the Normans * The English Retreat at the Battle of Hastings * The Normans win the Battle of Hastings * The aftermath of the Battle of Hastings * The Burial of King Harold * Review of the Battle of Hastings

What happened during the battle of hasting?

See the link to the BBC description of the Battle of Hastings. == == == == == == § Contenders for the English throne led to the Battle of Hastings § Harold's Pledge to Duke William of Normandy § William obtains the Pope's approval to attack England § Norman preparation for the Invasion - a Holy War § King Harold prepares for battle against the Normans § Treachery! Earl Tostig plots with King Hardrada of Norway § The Vikings Invade! The Battle of Fulford § The Battle of Stamford Bridge § The Norman Invasion - Preparations at Dives § Duke William Lands at Pevensey - The Normans Invade England § King Harold Receives News Of The Norman Invasion at York § King Harold Gathers an army In London § Duke William Builds a Pre-Built Castle at Pevensey § The Norman Invaders March To Hastings § King Harold's Noble Strategy § King Harold at Senlac (Re-Named Battle), near Hastings § Duke William enters negotiations with the Saxons * The Battle Of Hastings Dawns * Duke William prepares for the Battle of Hastings* Duke William raises The Papal Standard * Duke William issues battle orders * King Harold Prepares For Battle * King Harold issues his battle orders * The Normans advance * The two armies meet * The Battle Of Hastings * The Battle Of Hastings rages from 9am to 3pm* King Harold is Shot above the eye * The Norman's Strategy deceives the Saxons * The Story of the Saxon Knight * The Story of the Norman Knight * The Saxon Barricades are broken * Duke William in battle * The Normans close ranks on the Saxons * The wounded King Harold is killed by the Normans * The English Retreat at the Battle of Hastings * The Normans win the Battle of Hastings * The aftermath of the Battle of Hastings * The Burial of King Harold * Review of the Battle of Hastings

How did harald hardrada get the throne of England?

Harold Hadrada did not win the battle of hastings he was killed by Harold Godwinson at Stanford bridge. After a long fight William Duke of Normandy shot Harold Godwinson in the eye which made William thr king of England.

Who did Harold battle in the Battle of Hastings?

The battle of stamford bride which was Harold II Vs Harold hadrada some say the reason he didnt win the battle of hastings was becasue his army had to march 1000 miles up and down the country and his army were all tired and didnt have the strenght to fight although they did win the battle of stamford bridge After defeating Harold Hadrada at the hard fought Battle of Stamford Bridge, Harold Goodwinson's forces had to make a forced march across the width of England to meet William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings, just days later. His troops arrived at the battle exhausted.

Why did Harold not win the Battle of Hastings?

Because he didnt think right about what he was doing