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He was both admired and hated. He was a great speaker and listened to the people of Rome. He was also one of the greatest military generals the world had every seen, and in most of the land he had conquered he was looked at as a hero because of his usually fair and kind ways. You could even say they saw him as a "God". But like most great and successful people he had many enemies that were jealous of his great triumphs. This hatred was boosted, especially for certain members of the Roman Senate, when Caesar showed no sign of relinquishing his powers as dictator. And because of the hatred for a rule by a single person, a few members of the senate formed a conspiracy and assassinated him at a senate meeting.

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He certainly didn't hate the Roman Empire, afterall, he gained all his wealth, power and status from it and added territories to it.

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yes he secrefice his life for his empire

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Q: Did Julius Caesar love or hate the Roman empire?
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Did the farmers hate the roman empire?

No, farmers enjoyed the protection of Rome with minimal taxes, they loved roman rule, and compared to who they had to answer to next, Rome was freedom.

How did Julius Caesar gain power?

Caesar started his political career as a speaker and lawyer (if I'm right). He then started involving himself in politics more and tried to get the support of 'the people'. He entered a political alliance between Pompey and Crassus (Both very powerful men in that time). After Crassus died only Caesar and Pompey were left. Caesar eventually started a civil war which he won. (Caesar said he was forced to because Pompey refused to disband his armies, Caesar would disband his but only if Pompey also disbanded his armies) He became Dictator of the Roman Empire until he was assassinated by senators including Brutus. Some information might be incorrect since I'm only 16 years old, I've read Caesar's biography but I might've forgotten something.

Did Augustus Caesar hate the senate?

No, he made it his partner.

Did Julius Caesar hate christians?

Julius Caesar lived in the years BC. There were no Christians during his time so he could not possibly have hated them.Julius Caesar lived in the years BC. There were no Christians during his time so he could not possibly have hated them.Julius Caesar lived in the years BC. There were no Christians during his time so he could not possibly have hated them.Julius Caesar lived in the years BC. There were no Christians during his time so he could not possibly have hated them.Julius Caesar lived in the years BC. There were no Christians during his time so he could not possibly have hated them.Julius Caesar lived in the years BC. There were no Christians during his time so he could not possibly have hated them.Julius Caesar lived in the years BC. There were no Christians during his time so he could not possibly have hated them.Julius Caesar lived in the years BC. There were no Christians during his time so he could not possibly have hated them.Julius Caesar lived in the years BC. There were no Christians during his time so he could not possibly have hated them.

Did roman people used to hate christians and kill them in gladiortal fights?

In the early days of Christianity yes. However from the reign of the emperor (about 300 AD) Constantine, Christianity became the state religion of the Roman empire.

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Did Julius Caesar hate everyone?

No he did not

Why did Juliss Caesar hate John the Baptist?

Julius Caesar died is 44 BC and was not alive at the time of John the Baptist so he could not have hated him.

Did roman people hate Christians?

No, from the rule of the emperor Constantine, all Romans were Christians (Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire).

Did the farmers hate the roman empire?

No, farmers enjoyed the protection of Rome with minimal taxes, they loved roman rule, and compared to who they had to answer to next, Rome was freedom.

Can you give me an example of a roman slogan?

The Personal Maxim (axiom, adage, saying for which he was always known) of Caesar Caligula; "Let them hate me, as long as they fear me"

How did Julius Caesar gain power?

Caesar started his political career as a speaker and lawyer (if I'm right). He then started involving himself in politics more and tried to get the support of 'the people'. He entered a political alliance between Pompey and Crassus (Both very powerful men in that time). After Crassus died only Caesar and Pompey were left. Caesar eventually started a civil war which he won. (Caesar said he was forced to because Pompey refused to disband his armies, Caesar would disband his but only if Pompey also disbanded his armies) He became Dictator of the Roman Empire until he was assassinated by senators including Brutus. Some information might be incorrect since I'm only 16 years old, I've read Caesar's biography but I might've forgotten something.

Did Augustus Caesar hate the senate?

No, he made it his partner.

Why did people hate Julius caeser?

People hated Julius Caeser because he sat around and did NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did Julius Caesar hate christians?

Julius Caesar lived in the years BC. There were no Christians during his time so he could not possibly have hated them.Julius Caesar lived in the years BC. There were no Christians during his time so he could not possibly have hated them.Julius Caesar lived in the years BC. There were no Christians during his time so he could not possibly have hated them.Julius Caesar lived in the years BC. There were no Christians during his time so he could not possibly have hated them.Julius Caesar lived in the years BC. There were no Christians during his time so he could not possibly have hated them.Julius Caesar lived in the years BC. There were no Christians during his time so he could not possibly have hated them.Julius Caesar lived in the years BC. There were no Christians during his time so he could not possibly have hated them.Julius Caesar lived in the years BC. There were no Christians during his time so he could not possibly have hated them.Julius Caesar lived in the years BC. There were no Christians during his time so he could not possibly have hated them.

Did roman people used to hate christians and kill them in gladiortal fights?

In the early days of Christianity yes. However from the reign of the emperor (about 300 AD) Constantine, Christianity became the state religion of the Roman empire.

Who was augutus?

Augustus was the adoptive son of Gaius Julius Caesar. His original name was Gaius Octavius. Upon his adoption by Caesar, in accordance with Roman customs, he took Caesar's name and become Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus. Historians use the name Octavian for the period from his adoption in 44 B.C to his becoming emperor in 27 B.C. However, he quickly dropped Octavian and had himself called Caesar and was known by this name. In 42 B.C., after the deification of Gaius Julius Caesar, he had himself called Gaius Julius Caesar Divi Filius (son of the Divine). In 38 B.C. he had his name changed again. He dropped Gaius and Julius and adopted the title imperator (winner in battle). His name became Imperator Caesar Divi Filius. In 27 B.C. he was given the honorary title of Augustus (which is usually translated as The Venerable One) and his name became Imperator Caesar Divi Filius Augustus. Historians use Augustus for the period from 27 B.C to his death in 14 A.D.After the assassination of Julius Caesar, Octavian/Augustus fought a civil war against the forces of the assassins of Caesar (who called themselves libertores) together with the two allies he had formed the Second Triumvirate (three-man alliance): Lepidus and Mark Antony. After winning this war he shared power with Mark Antony. The former took charge of the western territories and the latter took charge of the eastern ones. He then fought a civil was against Marc Antony, which was a battle over who would become the sole rule of Rome and her empire. After winning this was he brought the Roman Republic to an end, established his absolute personal ruler, became the first Roman emperor and thus started Rome's 503-year period of absolute rule by emperors. It was when he became the emperor that he assumed the honorary title of Augustus.

What time in history did the Romans hate the Cristians?

when Caesar's family was in power.