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Q: Did Jews get a job in a Ghetto?
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What kind of jobs did the Jews have to do in the ghetto?

almost every kind of job that existed in any other city existed in the ghetto

Describle Jews ghetto?

decrible jews ghetto

Some Jews agreed to work as police in the ghettos?

Being a policeman in the ghetto was a sought after job.

What was the size of the Warsaw ghetto and how many Jews can be putted in at once?

The Warsaw ghetto was the largest ghetto established in Poland. the total of Jews that can be crowded in is about 450,000 Jews. They were crowded into an area of 1.4 square miles that was the Warsaw ghetto.

Was the Ghetto for the Jews?

It wasn't only for Jews.

Why are they are call Jewish ghetto?

Because the the entity was a ghetto and they housed Jews.

Who lived in krakow ghetto?

Jews, mainly the Jews of Krakau

How many Jews lived in a ghetto?

That depended on the ghetto - anywhere from about 800 to 450,000.

Who was brought to the Warsaw Ghetto?


How many Jews lived in the cracow ghetto before it was turned into a cracow ghetto?

its cool

How many survivors left the Warsaw Ghetto?

Once inside the ghetto, Jews were trapped.

What does liquidation of ghetto mean?

to get rid of the jews