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Q: Did Jesus come from the seed of david in the flesh as stated in Romans?
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Why did the Romans treat christians harshly?

As they met in private houses rather than openly in temples, were reported to eat human flesh and drink human blood, and were expelled from Judaism, the Romans were both disgusted by their habits and suspected them of plotting revolution.

Why did the world become flesh?

The question appears unclear and without context. This could be a miss representation of a quote from the Gospel of John, which reads: "and the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us" (John 1:14) If this is such a misquote, then the answer is obvious: Jesus, the 2nd person of the Holy Trinity which makes up the the One God, became man, that is took on a human form, also refered to as "became flesh" so that all of humanity might be redeemed from our sins and be reconsiled to God, opening the possiblity of eternal joy in Heaven with God.

What does a timeline of Jesus and St Paul look like?

Paul was born Saul of Tarsus around 10 A.D. and lived to about 67 A.D. He was not one of the twleve disciples, and did not meet Jesus in the flesh. After Jesus' death, Paul was hired by the Roman-controlled Temple establishment to persecute the original followers of Jesus (which did not call themselves "Christians"). On his way to Damascus, he had a vision of Jesus, who said "Paul why do you persecute me?". Paul then became a follower of Jesus (in his own way, preaching a gospel unique to his revelation, and often at variance with that of the Apostles (see Council of Jerusalem). Paul is now known for writing over half of the new testament, and is responsible for the doctrine of Salvation by Grace thru Faith in Jesus.

What was religion that roman leader considered a problem and why?

They reacted harshly against any religion which they considered was promoting revolution. First it was the Bacchanalians in the Second Century BCE. Later th Christians came under suspicion, as unlike honest worshipers who went to temples they met in private houses and had cannibalistic ceremonies of eating human flesh and drinking human blood. This sort of activities smacked of conspirators committing sacrileges so that they could not rat on each other as they faced the death penalty for the sacrilege. Also they were the Nazorean sect of Judaism until the Jews expelled them in the 90s CE to avoid Roman suspicion of them as well as the Christians. The results were the purges.

Did Adolf Hitler make socks out of humen flesh?


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All Christians call Jesus the son of God. This is a basic belief of Christianity.If a group doesn't call Jesus the son of God then I would say they are not Christian.Romans 1:3 ..........concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh,Romans 1:4 and declared to be the Son of Godwith power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead.

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Yes, Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. Read John 1:14.

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Rom 1: 3-4. Concerning his Son Jesus Chrst our Lord, which was made of the seed david according to the flesh; and declared [to be] the son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead. Pr. Ruben Molina Ossers

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Romans 10:13 "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."

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John, Peter and James are eyewitnesses who walked and talked with Jesus and testify of Jesus in the flesh. Only an eyewitness can testify of Jesus in the flesh. Matthew and Mark probably also walked with Christ though there is some speculation on the actual authors of those books.

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