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Yes Japan and Korea did have a land bridge in the Ice Age.

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Q: Did Japan and Korea have a land bridge during the ice age?
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What two nations did Korea serve as a land bridge for cultural diffusion?

China and japan

Is dokdo Korea's or Japan's land?

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If Japan is the land of the rising sun what about Korea?

"the land of morning calm"

How did Japan get its land?

They have stole 75% of South Korea's land and they might take the most beautiful island's in Korea. "DokDo"

Why did japan have a war with Korea?

Because Japan wanted more land, they started the war with Korea, those days Korea didn't have a strong defense like now.

Why was Korea and japan part of china?

The chinese defeated the area called Manchuria or Korea, so for a while, Korea was a part of Chinese land holdings. Japan was never part of China.

What country does Dokdo belong to?

Historically, Dokdo was Korea's land, and Japan knew it, as we can see in a Japanese traditional map. But, currently, Japan started arguing that Dokdo was Japanese land, and needs to be claimed back by Japan. But, it is actually Korea's land, and some Koreans are even living there to keep there beloved land

Before Japan became an island it was?

Before Japan became an island, it was connected to the Asian mainland by a land bridge during the last ice age about 11,000 years ago. This land bridge allowed for the migration of flora, fauna, and humans between Japan and mainland Asia.

How much land did Japan get in World War 2?

Japan lost land in World War 2 as they lost the war. During the war they took over parts of China, Korea and a large number of islands across the Pacific including the Philippines.

Relative location of North Korea to us?

Connected to south Korea by land but across from japan by the east china sea

What countries border South Korea?

North Korea is the only country that has a land border with South Korea. However, South Korea is not that far from China and Japan over the water.