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no he did not; Francisco Pizarro González did

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Q: Did Hernan Cortes destroy the Inca empire?
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Who was Hernan Cortes's second cousin who conqered the Inca empire?

Francisco Pizarro

Did the 1532 invasions of Hernan Cortes devastate the Inca empire in Peru?

No, because it was Pizarro, his cousin and fellow conquistador. Cortes was the Spanish conqueror of Mexico.

What is the differences between hernan cortez and francisco Pizarro?

Hernan Cortes conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico, while Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca Empire in Peru. Their conquests were key in the Spanish colonization of the Americas. Cortes was known for his cunning tactics, while Pizarro was known for his ruthless approach in dealing with the Inca.

Which one was the one that defeate the Aztecs from the spaniard?

Hernan Cortes defeated the Aztec Empire. And in case you are wondering, Francisco Pizzaro defeated the Inca Empire.

Which Spanish explorer conquered the Aztec empire in Mexico Inca empire in Peru?

Hernan Cortes (1485-1547) conquered the Aztecs in Mexico, while Francisco Pizarro (1471?-1541) conquered the Inca Empire.

Which spanish explorer conquered the Aztec empire in Mexico the Inca empire in Peru?

Hernan Cortes (1485-1547) conquered the Aztecs in Mexico, while Francisco Pizarro (1471?-1541) conquered the Inca Empire.

Why did Hernan Cortes take over the Inca?

his lust for gold

What are the three spanish explorers?

Three famous Spanish explorers are Christopher Columbus, Hernan Cortes, and Francisco Pizarro. Columbus is known for his voyages to the Americas, Cortes for the conquest of the Aztec Empire, and Pizarro for the conquest of the Inca Empire.

Which Spanish conqueror is not accurately matched with the area he explored or conquered?

Hernan Cortes is not accurately matched with the area he explored or conquered. Under the command of Cortes, the Aztec Empire in Mexico was conquered, not the Inca Empire in South America. That was conquered by Francisco Pizarro.

The expeditions of hernan Cortes and francisco Pizarro resulted in the?

destruction of the Aztec and Inca empires

What did he expeditions of Herman Cortes and Francisco Pizarro resulted in?

The expeditions of Hernan Cortes resulted in the conquest of the Aztec Empire in present-day Mexico. Francisco Pizarro's expeditions led to the conquest of the Inca Empire in present-day Peru. Both conquests greatly expanded Spanish influence in the Americas.

What explorer conquered Aztec?

Hernan Cortes (1485-1547) conquered the Aztecs in present-day Mexico, while Francisco Pizarro (1478-1541) conquered the Inca in Peru. Note both were conquistadors, not explorers (e.g. both were sent by the Spanish crown to claim/conquer lands for the Spanish Empire).