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Yes, Radar helps detect aircraft & ships. The first well-known use was during the 1940 Battle of Britain when the British used Radar and visual spotters to detect German aircraft flying from France, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, and Norway towards Great Britain.

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the Germans didn't use it because it was a new invention and they didnt believe in it and britian was the ones who invented it

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Q: Did Germany use radar in the Battle of Britain?
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What was the battle of britain and how and why did birtain win the battle?

During World War II, the Battle of Britain took place in 1940 and was fought by the air forces of Great Britain and Germany. Germany sought to control Great Britain's airspace as a first step towards invasion. Great Britain prevented this from happening through the courage of its pilots, the superiority of its "Spitfire" fighter, and the first systematic use of an extensive radar system in warfare.

How was the battle of Britain won?

By Britain having fighters that were superior to those of the Germans when the Germans were over England. Secondly because of the superior and effective use of radar. Thirdly, by the impetus of desperation.

Invention used to track airplanes made by british during the Battle of Britain?

Hmm, gee... What do you use to track airplanes? How about a radar? Yes, that seems reasonable.

What was the battle that the use of sonar and radar aided the Allies in winning?

Battle at Midway

How did Britain use radar to defeat Hitler?

Hitler commit sucide.

When was radar first used in world war 2?

One of the first uses was during the Battle of Britain. British radar would detect oncoming German airplanes and the British would send up the Supermarine Spitfire to shoot down fighters and the Hawker Hurricane to shoot down bombers. Radar let the British use their aircraft to their best advantage. Instead of constantly flying air patrol, they could take off when the enemy was coming, and attack them where they were. It was the advantage of radar that enabled the British to defeat the Germans and showed once and for all time, the importance of radar in air combat.

How many tanks were used in battle of Britain?

The Battle of Britain was an air battle and had no use for tanks unless they were used to subdue downed German pilots which would be a bad use for a tank.

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Did the luftwaffe permit the Italian air force to use German transport aircraft in the battle of Britain?

They did but not in the Battle of Britain that was just a bombing campaign

What new technology used in world war 2?

Radar......they say Germany had it but failed to use it and see its importance.

Did they use trenches in the battle of the somme?

Yes they did use trenches in German and Britain and France

What advantages did Britain have during the Battle of Britain?

The Germans had to fly over the channel, which meant the fighers had a limited amount of fuel to fight whereas the British fighters would have more fuel and the ability to get re-fueled and come back The British could recover more pilots who had to ditch because they landed in Britain and also got more damaged planes back The British had a radar which could detect the German planes in the channel The Germans had poor strategy. Part of the way through the battle, the Germans switched to bombing London. While this terrorized the civilians in London, it allowed Fighter Command to recover from when they were the target earlier in the battle and provided a fixed target that Fighter Command could assume all bombers were heading for Britain had more able allies than the Germans