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No, General MacArthur fought in World War I, World War II, and the Korean War. In 1951, President Harry Truman discharged MacArthur for disrespecting him (Truman) and other superiors in charge of the Korean conflict.

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No, he was in WW2 .

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Q: Did General Douglas MacArthur Fight In The Vietnam War?
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Who was General Douglas Mac Arthur?

MacArthur led the allied forces in the South Pacific theater of WWII. He originally led the defense of the Philippines, but was ordered to evacuate to Australia to lead the fight from there. It is from Australia that he promised the people of the Philippines, "I shall return." Three years later, at the head of the US Army, he did.

When did General Douglas MacArthur promise to come back?

The fight for the freedom of the Philippines from Japanese invasion. The American evacuation of the Philippines was the result of Japan's aggression in East Asia. General MacArthur would keep his promise and did return. Before this happened there was a top secret meeting between President Roosevelt, MacArthur, and Admiral Nimitz. MacArthur talked the president to retake the Philippines instead of attacking Formosa.

What US army generals have been relieved of duty-history?

General George McClellan during the Civil War, General Douglas MacArthur during the Korean War, and now, General McChrystal. McClellan was an arrogant, but brilliant general, replaced by the drunken idiot Ulysses S. Grant. MacArthur led the fight to defeat the Japanese in World War II. McChrystal is a supremely intelligent, extremely skilled warrior who had the misfortune and, perhaps, bad judgement, to speak his mind in front of a reporter from Rolling Stone. Whether he was right or wrong is not under debate. In our free country, you're not allowed to think the President is a dunce.

Did black people have to fight in the Vietnam War?

Of course! Everybody has to fight the Vietnam War because they wanted to stop the Battle and they have to show some guts to fight in the Vietnam War.

Describe how did the Vietcong fight in Vietnam?

i wish i knew the answer

Related questions

Did General Douglas MacArthur fight in World war 1?

Nothing prior to 1900, nothing past the Korean War.

Did Douglas MacArthur fight in world war 1?


What three major wars did Douglas MacArthur fight in?

WWI, WWII, and the Korean War

Why was general MacArthur not pleased with a limited war?

general macarthur wasnt pleased because he said " you cant fight and win a limited war.

What country did Douglas MacArthur fight Japan for?

he fought with the Philippines against Japan in Australia. They wanted japan.

What was General MacArthur's plan the hundreds of islands in the pacific?

to fight Type your answer here...

Why did the Japanese fight even harder for Okinawa?

Because the apparent next step was an invasion the Japanese Home Islands themselves commanded by General Douglas MacArthur. (Instead, the first two nuclear weapons were used.)

What was general MacArthur plan regarding the hundreds of islands in the pacific?

to fight Type your answer here...

What was General MacArthur's plan regarding the hundreds islands in the Pacific?

to fight Type your answer here...

What was General MacArthur's plan regarding the hundreds of islands in the Pacific?

to fight Type your answer here...

What strategy did the General MacArthur use to fight the Japanese in the pacific?

i believe it was the island hopping strategy

Who was General Douglas Mac Arthur?

MacArthur led the allied forces in the South Pacific theater of WWII. He originally led the defense of the Philippines, but was ordered to evacuate to Australia to lead the fight from there. It is from Australia that he promised the people of the Philippines, "I shall return." Three years later, at the head of the US Army, he did.