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Frederick Douglass did not actually fight for either side. He advocated for the abolition of slavery. He was, however, an adviser to Abraham Lincoln.

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He Supported the south.


As a former slave and as a leader of Abolitionist Movement he supported the North.

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Q: Did Frederick Douglass support north or south?
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Was Frederick Douglass from the north or the south?

i wish i knew....

Did Frederick Douglass accomplish what most slave accomplish in their lifetime?

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What motivated Frederick Douglass to read and write?

He wrote in a Narrative writing however it is difficult to go in depth with his writing style. He was a slave so he did not get a good education and made many spelling errors in his work due to his poor education.

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What was Frederick Douglass known for?

Frederick Douglass was known for his life story, called The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, that I had to read for school. He tells about his masters and about the treatment of his fellow slaves. Frederick addressed this narrative to southerners in the 1800s to demonstrate the treatment of the slaves. After Douglass published his book, many believed him and agreed with him. Some became abolitionists. He also helped on the Underground railroad and helped to fight for women's rights. He thought that everyone was created equally and that nothing could change that.

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This particular passage about both Bondage and Freedom is an excerpt. It is part of the narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass.

Who expressed his opinion to Lincoln that by casting the war as fight against slavery Europe would be less likely to help the south?

The correct answer to this is Frederick Douglass. Along with Horace Greeley, Frederick Douglass urged or more like provoked Lincoln to turn the war into a battle to end slavery in America. Northerners also supported this position. I hope this helps

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| did

What question would ask when people meet Frederick Douglass?

Was he scared to run from the South and abandon his slavery life? They could have easily hunted him down and took him back but Douglas ran away anyway.