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Yes but not necessarily on purpose.

The French and Indian War (or the Seven Years' War) was a war between the French and British in addition to several Indian groups (mostly on the side of the French). The war was for control over the land in North America, mainly the Ohio River Valley (Near the end of the war, the French and Indians started turning against each other resulting in the name "The French and Indian War"). When the war was coming to an end, the French knew they would lose so they transferred much of their territory over to their ally, the Spanish. This large piece of territory was Louisiana. The only remaining land was the Ohio River Valley and the French's claims in modern day Eastern Canada. This remaining land was transferred over to the British.

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Q: Did France loose Canada because of the french Indian war?
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Britain obtained Canada from France as a result of winning the?

French and Indian War.

After the French and Indian War Britain gained Canada and what from France?

India. General Wolfe took Canada away from the French, and Lord Clive forced them to leave India, during the French and Indian War.

What country gained control of Canada at the end of the French and Indian War?

Great Britain gained control over Canada and France lost it at the end of the French and Indian War.

What was the effect of the French and Indian War on new french?

it affected because alot of people conflicted the France and Britian..which led to riots through the french and indian war

Why was the French in the French and Indian War?

That's because France was one of the major belligerents in that war.

Did France lose Guadeloupe in the French and Indian War?

No. The British did not touch French territory in the Caribbean. They had a choice between the islands and Canada and chose to take Canada in the Treaty of Paris.

Why is french good for Canada?

Because it is one of the official languages. They are: English and French. Why is it an official language: because a lot of people from France come to Canada.

Why is the french Indian important to Canada?

Because the French won over Quebec in the French and Indian war, making the province of Quebec (located above Vermont) speak French. Quebec is the only French speaking province in Canada.

Who lost the French and Indian War and how was the land divided after the war?

The French lost the French and Indian War. France retained two islands in Canada, Haiti, a few islands in the Caribbean, and a sliver of South America.

How did new France come under british law?

The French lost control of Canada to the British in the French and Indian War.

What do France and England have in common?

Because the french are partly the ones that discovered Canada

Where was the French and Indian War located and why?

The French and Indian war was in the present day united states, because France and England were fighting over that land.