

Did Egyptians have electricity

Updated: 12/23/2022
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12y ago

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Definitely not.

You may have seen web pages referring to "large light bulbs" included in some ancient reliefs, which are actually standard symbols of the morning sunrise and nothing to do with electricity. "Seeing" modern items such as astronauts, helicopters, light bulbs and spaceships in ancient wall decorations has become fashionable among the more publicity-seeking extremist writers of today. Their aim is to gain support from gullible people with little or know knowledge of ancient Egypt.

The link below takes you to a very sensible page where the total stupidity of such claims is exposed and the real ancient Egyptian meaning of the pictures is clearly identified.

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While many critics might disagree, 'the Egyptians' built canals and erected pyramids. There is a high dam, built between 1960CE and 1970CE at Aswan, that allegedly produces electricity, and has had a significant effect on their culture and economy.See link below for more:

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Electricity as a concept had been understood for centuries, but the first practical use of electricity dates back to the late 19th century. In 1879, Thomas Edison demonstrated the first commercially viable incandescent light bulb, marking the beginning of widespread use of electricity in the world.

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GOD produced electricity; there is no more or no less. As a matter of fact humans were created with an electrical charge that alerts the body to make involuntary and voluntary movements. Electricity itself was said to be used by the Egyptians first; as well as being responsible for creating the first light bulb.

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