Yes. Daniel Webster had nine siblings, five of whom were sisters (three full sisters; two half-); four were older than Daniel, who was born in 1782.
Yes, they were cousins. See Related Links, below
daniel webster
No. Daniel Webster, the United States Senator in the Jacksonian Era, was a Unitarian.
Daniel Webster was a great orator who spoke against sectionalism
Yes. Daniel Webster (1782-1852) and his wife, Grace Fletcher Webster (1781-1828), had five children. Only three of his children lived to adulthood; Daniel Webster outlived all but one of them.Grace Fletcher Webster ("Little Grace"): (died at age 7)Jully Webster Appleton (sometimes spelled Julia): (died at age 30)Daniel Fletcher Webster ("Fletcher"): died in Civil War at age 44)Edward Webster: (died in Mexican-American War at age 28)Charles Webster: (died at age 3)
The protagonist is Daniel Webster.
Daniel webster
Daniel Webster Defended Liberty and Union
Daniel Webster didn't have a middle name.
Daniel Frank Webster is 5' 11".
Daniel Webster was born on January 18, 1782.
Daniel Webster was born on January 18, 1782.
Daniel Webster Comstock died in 1917.
Daniel Webster Comstock was born in 1840.
Daniel Webster Turner died in 1969.
Daniel Webster Turner was born in 1877.
Daniel Webster Council was created in 1920.