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No. Actually, Constantine moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium, which he re-named Nova Roma ("New Rome"). After his death, the city was renamed Constantinople in his honor. Today it is known as Istanbul.

Actually that is incorrect. Because the Roman Empire was too large to govern, The Empire was split in two-the western part and the eastern part. The western part's capital was Rome, and the eastern's was Byzantium. Rome remained capital of the western part, although the western part declined while the eastern flourished. Byzantium was later renamed Constantinople in order to honur Constantine.

Rome was not the capital of the west. It was Milan. Diocletian subdivided the empire into a western part and an eastern part. He was in charge of the east and co-emperor Maximian the west. Milan was turned into the imperial capital of the west and Nicomedia (in northwestern Turkey into the imperial capital of the east. Rome became the nominal capital of the empire as a whole. Constantine moved the capital of the east from Nicomedia to Byzantium, which he redeveloped renamed either New Rome or Constantinople (some historians argue that it was called Constantinople from the beginning of its becoming a capital and that New Rome was only an honorific title for the city). The western part begun to decline some 70 years after the creation of Constantinople.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Yes, Constantine was responsible for moving the capital to Constantinople.

Yes, Constantine was responsible for moving the capital to Constantinople.

Yes, Constantine was responsible for moving the capital to Constantinople.

Yes, Constantine was responsible for moving the capital to Constantinople.

Yes, Constantine was responsible for moving the capital to Constantinople.

Yes, Constantine was responsible for moving the capital to Constantinople.

Yes, Constantine was responsible for moving the capital to Constantinople.

Yes, Constantine was responsible for moving the capital to Constantinople.

Yes, Constantine was responsible for moving the capital to Constantinople.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

As Constantine moved his capital the importance of the city of Rome was lost. As it was a important trade center and a financial city the move of the capital ruined Rome

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Yes, Constantine was responsible for moving the capital to Constantinople.

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βˆ™ 14y ago


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Where did Constantine move his capital to?


Where did Constantine move the capital city?

in Constantinople

What city of rome did Constantine move the capital out of to move to byzantium?

Constantine I moved the capital of the eastern part of the empire from Nicomedia (in northwestern Turkey) to the nearby Byzantium which was redeveloped and renamed Constantinople. The capital of the western part of the empire was Milan.

Where did Constantine move romes captial?

Constantine did not move Constantinople. He founded it. The designated the city of Byzantium (in Greece) as his imperial capital, redeveloped it and renamed it Constantinople after himself (it means City of Constantine).

In what year did Constantine move the capital of rome to byzantium?

AD. 330

Where did Constantine move Rome's capital?

Constantine moved the capital to Byzantium which he rebuilt and renamed Constantinople after himself.

Where did Constantine move the empires capital to?

Constantine moved the capital to Constantinople. Constantinople wasnot the capital of the whole empire. it was the capital of the eastern part of the empire. Constantine moved the capital of the east from Nicomedia (in northwestern Turkey) to Constantinople. The imperial capital of the western part was Milan. Rome was the nominal capital of the whole empire.

What year did Constantine move the capital to byzantium?

Constantine did not move the imperial capital form Rome to Byzantium. Rome had already ceased to be the capital when his predecessor, Diocletian, designated Nicomedia (in north-western Turkey) as the imperial capital of the eastern part of the empire and Milan (in Italy) as the imperial capital of the western part of the empire. Constantine redeveloped Byzantium and renamed it. It became Constantinople (City of Constantine). It was inaugurated in 330.

Who ruled over the powerful Eastern Empire and chose to move its capital to Byzantium?


Why did emperor Constantine move the roman capital?

Actually, Constantine moved it to Byzantium. He moved there because he thought it had a unique and beautiful background for his people.

Did Constantine move capitals because of the pope?

No, there were no popes at the time of Constantine. Constantine moved the capital because of economic and logistical reasons. The eighth-century forgery now known as the Donation of Constantine claimed that Constantine moved his imperial capital to the east, in order to grant the pope temporal power in the west. However, nothing in this document was true.

What is is Constantine's capital?

Constantine's new capital is Nova Roma or "New Rome".