

Did Columbus go to Norway

Updated: 12/14/2022
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14y ago

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If he did it was probably to ask us for directions to America. No secret we found it 500 years before him, we just didn't go boosting about it. Leiv Eriksson was too modest.

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Q: Did Columbus go to Norway
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How do you go to Greenland from Norway?

By airplane.

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Christopher Columbus was sailing for Portugal in search of India looking for great riches and wealth.

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Why do people want to visit Norway?

Norway is a great place to go skiing.

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He went to Norway because his father told him scine he was Norwiegan he had to go to Norway first.

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On average, 4,139 miles, depending on where in Norway you go to.

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Did Columbus go to his mom?

no he did not

What high school can you go to by taking tests?

well you could certainly go to Columbus high in Columbus ga