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he started off with 2 ships, the pinta and the santa maria

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Q: Did Christopher Columbus start with 3 or 4 ships and did 1 sink?
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Did any of chrisopher colombuse's ships sink o his first voyage?

did any of Christopher Columbus's ships sink

Did Christopher Columbus ever have a ship sink?

you are stuipid

What were Christopher Columbus Obstacles?

He had nine ships sink in harsh weather and violent people who had many diseases and had a lack of food and water. They ate sawdust from the wood because they ran out of food.

How did christopher Columbus ship sink?

it was a coral reef around the end of the journey.

What year did Christopher Columbus ship sink?

He had three ships all given to him by Prince Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. The Santa Maria, the Pinta and the Nina. The Nina and the Pinta both sank around 1470-1480. They had collided with other ships. The Santa Maria had survived ( which was the last boat left ) and was used to travel back to Spain with Columbus and the other 120 men on board.

Why don't ships sink in the Bermuda Triangle?

Ships do sink....

Did the Resistance sink the Danish Navy ships?

yes the resistance did sink their own ships

Which of Christopher Columbus's ships sank?

The Colombus Ship that sink is SANTA MARIA By;William Bonaventura

Ships that never sink are called?

Ships that never sink are just ships that were lucky, any ship can sink for any number of reasons there is no such thing and a truly unsinkable ship.

What causes a ships iron anchor to sink to the ocean?

Gravity causes the ships iron anchor to sink to the ocean.

Why don't shiops sink?

Ships don't sink because they are more boant then the water they float on. Ships don't sink because they are more boant then the water they float on.

Why does a ship not sink?

ships do not sink because gravity pushes it up