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Count Camillo de Cavour led the unification of Italy. He helped.

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Did Cavour help or hinder the unification of Italy?

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Q: Did Cavour help or hinder the unification of Italy?
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How did feelings of the nationalism affect the actions of Italian leaders such as giuseppe mazzini and Camillo di Cavour?

Since they felt so strongly of nationalist beliefs they tried there best to unite Italy. Mazzini wrote pamphlets encourage Italians to unite. Cavour became prime minister of Sardinia which would help Italians unite under one banner.

What did Giusppe Garibaldi contribute to the unification?

Giuseppe Garibaldi was a military man. He helped with Italian unification with his fame and charisma. He backed Victor Emmanuel, king of Piedmont-Sardinia. He later disagreed with Victor Emmanuel and became the dictator of the Two Sicilies. Eventually Victor Emmanuel became king of a united Italy but was nervous about Garibaldi being more popular than him. In 1862, Garibaldi was asked to raise an army to fight the Austrians. Garibaldi raised an army and invaded the papal states instead. King Emmanuel was upset and ordered him taken prisoner.Basically Giuseppe Garibaldi was the type of man that made people want to be part of a united Italy. He was able to fight well against his enemies.

Did the Munich Putsch help or hinder Hitlers rise to power?


What were the roles of Camillo di Cavour and Otto von Bismarck in the unification of their countries?

Camillo Cavour was the liberal prime minister of the Kingdom of Piedmont - Sardinia. He provoked a war with Austria, and with the help of the French he won. As a result, most of northern Italy voted to join Piedmont. (In the south, Garibaldi captured Sicily and Naples and the southern states joined the northern union.) So, Italy was united in 1861. Otto von Bismarck was the prime minister and foreign minister of Prussia. (Prussia had been a conservative and militaristic monarchy.) TThe Prussians decided to unite Germany but to do so, first they had to win over Austria, becausee she wanted to do the same under their leadership. Austria was defeated by the Prussians in 1866, and this meant that the Habsburgs were excluded from the unification. After the victory, Otto von bismarck made the northern states into a North German Confederation, and when they defeated the French as well, the southern territories joined the Confederation too. In 1871, the united Germany was born with Wilhelm I as Emperor of Germany. Both politicians led their peoples (often to wars) to achieve their main goal: the creation of their nation-states.

Difference between German unification from Italian unification?

Italian unification was supported by France (in part) and Great Britain, but was adversed for the want of German unification. After German unification, all states were left in existence, keeping some sovereignity, but accept the king of Prussia as emperor under the kingdom of Prussia. After Italian unification, it was a single nation that promoted the kingdom of Sardinia. - LexieBoth occured around 1861 and were both caused by nationalism.

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Why did camillo di cavour form an alliance with giuseppe garibaldi?

Cavour saw Garibaldi as a useful tool to help achieve his goal of Italian unification. By aligning with Garibaldi and his popular support, Cavour could advance the cause of unification more effectively. Garibaldi's military successes also helped weaken the opposition to unification.

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What did Camillo Di Cavour help Italy?

He united northern italy by starting and winning wars against Austria. He also tried to unite southern Italy with northern italy. He attempted this by starting nationalist rebellions in the south. He merged northern and central italy. He united most of Italy.

What is the opposiye of hinder?

I think the opposite of "hinder" is "help".

What groups helped unite Italy?

count cavour

Cavour sought the help of what leader in an effort to defeat the Austrians?


Does the length of a python hinder or benefit it?

No it does not hinder nor help

What is the oppisote of help?

An antonym for 'help' is hinder.

How did feelings of nationalism affect the actions of Italian leaders such as Giuseppe Mazzini and Camillo di Cavour?

Since they felt so strongly of nationalist beliefs they tried there best to unite Italy. Mazzini wrote pamphlets encourage Italians to unite. Cavour became prime minister of Sardinia which would help Italians unite under one banner.

How did feelings of the nationalism affect the actions of Italian leaders such as giuseppe mazzini and Camillo di Cavour?

Since they felt so strongly of nationalist beliefs they tried there best to unite Italy. Mazzini wrote pamphlets encourage Italians to unite. Cavour became prime minister of Sardinia which would help Italians unite under one banner.

Opposite to help?

The opposite of help is hinder.

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