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Julius Caesar never wedded Cossutia, she belonged to an Equestian family (look up equestrian). Although Cossutia's family was seen to be wealthy Julius Caesar broke off their engagement. Some say from reading the first page of SUETONIUS (his book the twelve caesars) that Cossutia is Caesar's first wife, some how mis-interpreted they are. Considering clearly written was "he broke an engagement" and "instead, he married Cornelia.." Cornelia was the daughter of four time consul Cinna, and yet also Cinna was a friend and supporter who allied himself Marius. Julius Caesar is son to the Brother of Marius's wife.

so inconclusion you can look at it this way, financially better would of been with Cossutia. But politically by family and further strenghtening his link with Marius, or with Marian supporters (political power by popular vote of the assembly/people).

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Julius Caesar did not marry Cleopatra VII. They remained lovers.

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