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Q: Did Britain get more money after the empire?
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Why did Britain join the roman empire?

Britain did not "join" the Roman empire. Britain was conquered and then annexed into the empire as a province.

Why did Britain enter into slave trade?

because it gave them more money

What were Britain's interests in the Middle East and how did this conflict with the Ottoman Empire?

Britain neeeded resources and the Ottomann empire thought the British were treading on their land.

Is present Britain still part of the roman empire?

No, the Roman Empire fell in the year 476 A.D.

Did England use tax?

yes they did because they saw that great Britain had them and the people would get the money wanted more money so they said''fine''.

Why Britain passed laws to tax colonists?

Britain wanted money.

How many years after Jesus was born did the Romans leave Britain?

The Roman Empire withdrew from Britain around 400 AD.

What empire ruled over much of the land fringing the realm's seas prior to World War 1?

Britain had the largest empire

What was the advantage of being in the British Empire?

Whilst Canada was in the British Empire Britain was burdened with the main responsibility and expense for defending these territories.

Why did Britain join the roman empire after Gaul?

Britain was conquered by the Romans. Gaul was conquered at the End of the Gallic Wars (58-50 BC). The conquest of Britain started in 43 AD.

Were Rome and Britain enemies?

Ancient Rome encountered Britain in 55 and 54 BC BCE when Julius Caesar invaded the island. The invasions were more like expeditions and Caesar came upon armed resistance each time. It is thought that he believed Britons were aiding the Gauls. Britain was not an enemy of the Roman empire until the emperor Claudius had the island invaded and it was added to the empire by Claudius in 43 AD CE. Rome prospered by controlling the wealth of Britain and like many of Rome's provinces there were revolts from time to time.

Why did the US feel that it needed on empire?

To compete with the other empire building countries, specifically Germany, Spain and Great Britain, to a lessor extent Japan and France.