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no that was Adolf Hitler

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Q: Did Benito Mussolini stress the superiority of the aryan race?
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What was aryan supremacy during the Holocaust?

that is more of a post-Holocaust concept. But Hitler did believe in aryan superiority.

Did Mussolini think the Aryan race was superior?

Mr. Mussolini noticed Adolph Hitler's successes in Europe and thought he could cash in on a good thing by being Mr. Hitler's good friend. Mr. Hitler, in turn, thought Mr. Mussolini was an idiot. He was right. Benito Mussolini was a Hitler boot-licker whose actions and puppy-dogging essentially lost the war for the axis powers. To that we owe him our gratitude. He believed in nothing except his own power and greed.

Why did Benito Mussolini join World War 2?

Mussolini had an alliance with Hitler, who wanted to dominate Europe. Mussolini was also dictator of his country, Italy. Because of this alliance, Italy fought alongside Germany during World War 2he had agreed with because Hitler knew that he could not concur Italy atm so he made a little agreement...and two he loved to argue with a lot of things and he also knew that this he could not argue with...

Did Hitler believe in aryan are a master race?

The Germans when Hitler came into power had been told they were the cause of WW1 and they had to pay for it. The Aryan race idea gave them a feeling of superiority and power. There is no ethnicity that is Aryan, but this is a construct of Hitler and white supremacists. Himmler used this construct and combined it legend and supernatural thinking to create the SS. One of the interesting things about Germany is an Aryan is not always blond blond hair, but it can be light brown or even auburn. I lived in Germany 5 years and was considered a "blond" with brown hair.

What is Aryan Superiority?

Aryan Superiority is a high sounding phrase that means "we're better than you". Amusingly Aryan" implies an close association or origin in Iran as the name comes from a name for Indo-Iranian people, one of the groups. that the with power groups dislike.It depends on "Pure Caucasian Blood" which means that all the relatives of the members must have been born in the the Caucasus region. A region located at the border of Europe and Asia, situated between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea (Mostly they're not)The basis is that your worth depends on your ancestors not your skills.

Related questions

What was aryan supremacy during the Holocaust?

that is more of a post-Holocaust concept. But Hitler did believe in aryan superiority.

What did the nazi Olympic prove?

It proved Aryan superiority by way of Germany dominating the competition.

Did Mussolini think the Aryan race was superior?

Mr. Mussolini noticed Adolph Hitler's successes in Europe and thought he could cash in on a good thing by being Mr. Hitler's good friend. Mr. Hitler, in turn, thought Mr. Mussolini was an idiot. He was right. Benito Mussolini was a Hitler boot-licker whose actions and puppy-dogging essentially lost the war for the axis powers. To that we owe him our gratitude. He believed in nothing except his own power and greed.

How did the Nazi belief in the superiority of the Aryan race influenced the Nazi treatment of Jews?

The Nazi sought to rid Germany of Jews whom they saw as ethnically inferior to the Aryan race.

What racial and nationalistic ideas did Nazis promote.?

Nazi Propaganda often promoted German pride and denigrated all other races and ethnicities. It emphasized the purity and superiority of the Aryan race.

How did Nazi belief in the superiority of the Aryan race influence the Nazi treatment of Jews?

Answer this question…The Nazis sought to rid Germany of Jews, whom they saw as ethnically inferior to the Aryan race.

How did the nazi belief in the superiority of the aryan race influence the nazi treatment of Jews?

Answer this question…The Nazis sought to rid Germany of Jews, whom they saw as ethnically inferior to the Aryan race.

Why did Benito Mussolini join World War 2?

Mussolini had an alliance with Hitler, who wanted to dominate Europe. Mussolini was also dictator of his country, Italy. Because of this alliance, Italy fought alongside Germany during World War 2he had agreed with because Hitler knew that he could not concur Italy atm so he made a little agreement...and two he loved to argue with a lot of things and he also knew that this he could not argue with...

What ww2 leader were Mein Kampf and Aryan Race associated with?

Mein Kampf and the concept of the Aryan Race were associated with Adolf Hitler, who was the leader of Germany during World War II. Hitler's beliefs as outlined in Mein Kampf formed the basis for Nazi ideology, which promoted the superiority of the Aryan race.

What was a perfect German called?

The term "Aryan" was a concept created and used by the Nazis in Germany to describe their idea of a perfect or superior German individual. The Nazis believed that individuals of Aryan descent were the ideal racial type, embodying physical and mental traits that they considered superior. This belief in Aryan superiority was used to justify discriminatory and violent actions against those deemed to be of inferior races.

Why did't Hitler like dark haired people?

Hitler didn't necessarily dislike dark-haired people, he himself had dark hair. He did believe in the superiority of the Aryan race and according to him a person who was of pure Aryan blood had blue eyes, light skin and blond hair.

Explain the ideological theory of Nazism?

The ideology of National Socialism was based on the superiority of the Aryan race and German nationalism. It was intended to unify all Germans, regardless of class, for the benefit of the government.