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no,he didnt,he was not afraid, but his army was ,after the battle with porus,they saw the indian war elephant,the army was also frightened to face 300,000 men,80,000 calvary,20,000 war chariots,6000 war elephants,porus had just 200 ,but i think alexander would win this war with magadha,but perhaps he would have died there,but in the end he fought for nothing all his queens ,sons,mother were MURDERED by is his generals ,and they took his empirehe wanted fame and glory for himself,yes he is immoratilised tody and another thousand years shall remmeber him,today in 2012 we remmeber of him,but he has no followers.war is bad peace is good,THE ONE WHO TAKES THE SWORD WILL FALL BY THE SWORD.Jesus christ had the whole legions of heavenly army under him ,but he suffered and was crucified for us to live a better life.

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Alexander invaded India in 327 and not 326, he defeated king Porous.Alexander asked king porous how he would like to be treated. Porous replied I want to be treated like a king.

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Q: Did Alexander invade India in 326 bc?
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