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Q: Did Alexander Hamilton want National Debt?
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Why did Alexander Hamilton want to create a national debt?

It was to enhance the governments credit

Who want to create national bank?

wanted*** and Alexander Hamilton wanted to create a national bank because he thought it would solve debt earier.

Why did Hamilton's want national taxes?

to pay off the national debt

Did Alexander Hamilton like the British?

The British had a Strong National government. Alexander Hamilton want a strong National government. Hamilton and Jefferson were fighting all the time over that. That might be why. Federlists.

Why did Alexander hamilton want a bank?

because our new nation was in debt after the war against Britain

What did Hamilton want to do with the National Debt?

hamilton was all for the national debt . he wanted to go through with it . only because it would help out the country in a time of need money was all scarce.

Why did Alexander Hamilton want to create permanent national debt?

It was to enhance the governments credit

What is Alexander Hamilton's view on strength of the national government?

Alexander Hamilton wanted a strong national government because he did not want mainly the power to be in the hands of the state or the people. He did not want to relive the past of when they were under control of the British.

Why did Alexander Hamilton propose paying the entire national debt at it's face value?

To restore the nation's economic credit so that the government could raise money in the future.

Where did Hamilton expect that the revenue to pay the interest on the national debt would come from?

Hamilton expected that the revenue to pay the interest on the national debt would come from excise taxes and customs duties. He did not want the revenue to come from income tax.

Why did Hamilton want to create a national bank?

Alexander Hamilton wanted to assume all of the state's debts from the revolution and create a consistent monetary fund.

Why did Hamilton want to create national bank?

Alexander Hamilton wanted to assume all of the state's debts from the revolution and create a consistent monetary fund.