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state of origin

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Q: Dictionary meaning of'state of origin'
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What is the dictionary meaning of 'state of origin'?


What is the difference of dictionary and theasaures?

A dictionary tell you the meaning and origin of words. A Thesaurus tells you all words of similar meaning.

Why someone consults a dictionary?

look up word meaning, origin, spelling

What is the difference between a etymological to a normal dictioary?

An standard dictionary will give you the meaning of a word. An etymological dictionary will give you its origin.

How does the New Zealand pocket dictionary show the origin of a word?

The New Zealand pocket dictionary typically shows the origin of a word by providing its etymology, which traces the word back to its historical roots, including its language of origin and any changes in meaning over time. This information is usually found in the dictionary entry for the word.

What are the contents of the dictionary?

It gives the meaning of a word, how it is used in a sentence, how it is pronounced, what part of speech, and the origin of the word.

What is the definition of the word dictionary?

A dictionary is a book (or similar source) that provides information on the meaning of words. It may also include the pronunciation of a word, or its origin, or its synonyms.

What is the meaning of dictionary?

(I had to find this in the dictionary, how ironic)A dictionary is a book or electronic resource that lists the words of a language (typically in alphabetical order) and gives their meaning, or gives the equivalent words in a different language, often also providing information about pronunciation, origin, and usage.

The first book of the Bible is called genesis a word meaning what?

The dictionary definition of "genesis" is: "The coming into being of something; the origin."

If you want a word origin you can use a?

Dictionary. Or an Etymological Dictionary.

What is the background of a dictionary word entry is called its?

The background of a dictionary word entry is called its etymology. Etymology refers to the origin and history of a word, including its roots, development, and changes in meaning over time.

Is Africa the origin of yam?

The yam came from Hungary. anyway, a yam is a young ox. Just to tell you. I got this meaning from the oxford dictionary. : )