

Details of the Holocaust

Updated: 8/23/2023
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12y ago

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Everything about the Holocaust? I'm afraid that you have asked an impossible question. There is so much about the holocaust that nobody on Earth can answer now. I don't pretend to be an expert, but I can not tell you everything. I can, however, tell you some things that others maybe can't.First of all, the basics:When did it happen? Between 1939 and 1945 ( although people were persecuted long after the war, and the suffering of those who were persecuted is ever-lasting )Who did the Nazis persecute? Jews, homosexuals, gypsies, mentally and physically desabled people, black people, Jehova's Witnesses, and anyone who tried to help these people escape)How many people were killed? Nobody really knows the exact numbers, but it is estimated that eleven million people were murdered. Six million of these people were Jews, and 1.5 million were merely children, maybe more, because many children lied about their age, in order to increase their chances of surviving.What were the Nazis trying to do? Create a pure "Aryan" race. The sterio type of an Aryan is a strong, tall, blonde haired, blue eyed person. A steriotypical Jew was short and stout with curly black hair and hook noses. How were the Jews treated? Like vermin, or parasites. Like lab rats, or diseased pests.How did the Nazis persicute Jews? They shippd them off to consentration camps and death camps, took away their rights and citizenship, kicked them out of their houses, and stuffed them in trains and ghettos, expelled children from their regular schools, marched them into fields and shot them into pits, took away all their posessions, and publicly demoralized them.How did Jews escape? Some lucky ones managed to hide in basements, cellars, old barns, in the forest, or down in the sewers for years until the war ended. There were some survivors of the camps. Many Jews tried to convert to other religions, but thaty was soon outlawed.What is the difference between a death camp and a concentration camp? A concentration camp, such as Auschwitz or Treblinka is a labour camp, where prisoners are kept as slaves (it usually also had a gas chamber for the sikly and for children or elderly who were too weak to work). A death camp, such as Belzec, is not a labour camp. There are survivors of Auschwitz, there are survivors of Treblinka, but there are no survivors of any death camp. This is because it is strictly for death, and there are no prisoners- all victims are simply gassed to death upon arriving.

I actually don't have uch more time to write this, so let's do this in point form. Sorry for lack of detail.

Josef Mengele (or the Angel of Death, or Uncle Mengele) was an evil scientist who worked at Auschwitz concentration camp. He thoroughly enjoyed his work conducting gruessome experiments on little children, particularly twins and gypsies. He was in charge of pickiing which prisoners were healthy enough to work, and which would be gassed to death.

The chemical used to gas Jews to death at Auschwitz was a type of rat poison called Zyklon B.

The bodies of prisoners were usually burned in "kremas" or thrown into mass graves like the one in Bergen Belsen Camp.

At the camps, prisoners were usually worked to death. They got so little time to rest that it was impossible to have energy. They received only tiny rations of moldy bread and watery, rotten cabbage soup. All prisoners were given a number that was tatooed on their arm, that became their name. all the boys and men had to wear striped pajama and ill fitting shoes, and women wore old work clothes. They never were allowed to change. Many died of typhoid fever and dehydration or froze to death. Accesive lice was unavoidable.

In Auschwitz one of the first things one notices is the haunting cheery music that was played by the emaciated prisoners. This music was to make the newcomers feel welcome before they were gassed or worked to death.

Sorry, more later.

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Jews, the handicaped, and homosexuals were locked up in concentration camps and beaten to death, starved to death, froze to death, gassed, and died from disease. also, the Nazi's would force them to stand for hours, and if u moved, you were shot on the spot. also, people were buried in mass graves - sometimes even though people weren't dead yet (but close to it ) they were buried alive, and sometimes graves moved for days =:( the holocaust was very sad and should never be repeated =:(

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Horribly. Well, they got some type of medicine and rest, but no comfortness and if you weren't well after 2+ days, you were given a shot that kills you instantly, in one camp. Read "Surviving Hitler" for more details. P.S. There are SO many more books out there!

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