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Roosevelt sought a few ways to help the allies. For instance, he asked Congress to withdraw the neutrality law which banned the sale of arms to countries occupied in war. Although some isolationists blocked his move, FDR still managed to make a compromise that the United States could sell arms to the Allies under the "cash-and-carry" plan. The "cash-and-carry" plan was that the allies had to pay cash for the goods and carry them on their own ships. Another way the United States helped the allies was the fifty old American war ships. By 1940, German submarines took down many British ships. When they needed help, President Roosevelt agreed to give then fifty old American destroyers. Once again, there was a catch in this move. In exchange for the fifty old American destroyers, Britain gave the United States 99-year leases on military bases in Newfoundland and the Caribbean.

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Q: Describe two actions the US took to support the allies?
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