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Romulus & Remus were brothers, grew up together, made a bet onto making the best city, got out of hand, Romulus accidently killed Remus & finished his city & named it Rome.

The first is the legend of Romulus and Remus and the second is the adventures of Aeneas in the Aeneid.

Legend 1: And so Rome was found after years of existing without a cause.

Legend 2: And so Rome was built, abandoned, and then found.

The two legends that tell of the founding of Rome are the story of Romulus and Remus and the Aeneid.
The most well-known legend is the one of the twins Romulus and Remus. The other one is the legend of Evander .

Evander was a hero from Arcadia in Greece, the son of the god Mercury and the goddess Carmenta. Some 60 years before the Trojan War he and his followers founded a city Greek Arcadian settlement near the river Tiber which he called Pallantium. This name was similar to the name of the Palatine Hill, which Romulus turned into the first nucleus of Rome. The Palatine Hill has two spurs, the Palatium and the Germalius. There was speculation that Romulus took the letter and came to rule both his people and the Argives (descendants of Evander) of the Palatium.

The Evander story was told in Virgil's epic The Aeneid. Its centrepiece was the story of Aeneas who was a hero who survived the Trojan War. He landed in Latium (the land of the Latins) and founded the Latin city of Lavinium. His son, Ascanius, founded the city of Alba Longa and its royal dynasty. Romulus and Remus were said to be the sons of Silvia Rhea, the daughter of a deposed king of Alba Longa.

Latinus, the king of the Latins, hosted Aeneas who courted his daughter Lavinia. The goddess Juno persuaded Latinus' wife to betroth her to Turnus, the king of the Italic Rutuli. However, Faunus (the horned god of the forest, plain and fields) wanted to give her to Aeneas. Turnus declared war of Aeneas, which the latter won. Aeneas asked the Etruscans for help. On his way to Etruria he met Evander in Rome who agreed help him. Aeneas enlisted Etruscan and Give troops.

Besides including Evander, The Aeneid also included a legend that connects the semi-divine Greek hero Hercules to Rome. Evander hosted Hercules who was seeking a refuge after killing Geryon (a giant with three heads, three trunks and only two arms) to steal cattle as part of the tenth of the twelve labours he was given. Cacus, a fire-spitting giant who lived on the Aventine Hill terrorised his neighbours. He raided cattle and ate humans. He stole Hercules' cattle and hid it in a cave. After a difficult search, Hercules found his cattle and killed Cacus. This episode was also part of Hercules' tenth labour, one which freed Rome form this terror. After this, Hercules founded an altar, the Ara Maxima, in an area which later became the cattle market.

Evander was told by his mother, an oracle, about Hercules' twelve labours and his destiny. He dedicated an altar to Hercules. A temple of Hercules Vitcor still stands by the Tiber. The cult of Hercules was an important one in Rome.

Evander was also connected to the cult of the Argei. These were 27 shrines on some the seven Hills of Rome connected to the Argives. An archaic ritual which was no longer understood in classical times involved placing straw puppets at these shrines and later collecting them and throwing them into the river Tiber. The origins and nature of this ritual was debated among later Romans.

It was said that Evander was deified after his death and that a temple was dedicated to him on the Aventine Hill. It was also said that he brought the Greek pantheon, law and aphabet to Italy and that he created the festival of the Lupercalia, a rite that exorcised evil spirits and purified the city. This was the cult of the Argei.
The legend of the foundation of Rome is the legend of Romulus and Remus.

The legend of Arenas links the Romans to the Trojans. Aeneas was a hero of the Trojan War who landed in Latium (land of the Latins) and founded the Latin city of Lavinium. His son Ascanius founded the Latin city of Alba Longa and its royal dynasty. Romulus and Remus were the sons of Rhea Silvia, the daughter of the deposed king of Alba Longa.

The legend of Evander tells of Evander coming to the area which was going to be Rome with a group of settlers sixty years before the Trojan War, founding the city of Pallantium on one of the two spurs of the Palatine Hill and bringing the Greek pantheon, laws and alphabet. He was also said to have built the Great Altar to Hercules and the Forum Boarium. Evander was a deified Hero from Arcadia, an area of the Peloponnese peninsula in Greece. He was the son of the gods Mercury and Carmenta and his wisdom exceeded that of all Arcadians.
They were the legends of Romulus and Remus and of the abduction of the Sabine women
The founders of Rome were two brothers, Romulus and Remus, who were abandoned in the woods and raised by a wolf. Second is the Seven hills of Rome.

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11y ago

Legend 1: And so Rome was found after years of existing without a cause.

Legend 2: And so Rome was built, abandoned, and then found.

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12y ago

The two legends that tell of the founding of Rome are the story of Romulus and Remus and the Aeneid.

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13y ago

The first is the legend of Romulus and Remus and the second is the adventures of Aeneas in the Aeneid.

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15y ago

The founders of Rome were two brothers, Romulus and Remus, who were abandoned in the woods and raised by a wolf. Second is the Seven hills of Rome.

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13y ago

Rome did Greece & Greece did India.

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